The future of finance is bright with Advanced Financials

Experience the rich capabilities of Advanced Financials in action. Book a demo with us today.



First class Cloud-based financial management software, which has evolved over 30 years

At Advanced we believe finance is the beating heart of any successful business. Our Advanced Financials software enables finance teams to focus on strategy and performance by consolidating multiple platforms in one place, reducing manual tasks, and producing real-time business insight automatically.

"Advanced Financials has revolutionised the way the finance team operate at Expect Distribution. It provides us with a clear picture of business performance and operations which is vital as we continue to grow as a business."

Kennedy Lupindula, Management Accountant, Expect Distribution

Key capabilities

Powered by MyWorkplace advanced_icon_ticks.svg

Financial Managementadvanced_icon_ticks.svg

Reporting & Dashboardsadvanced_icon_ticks.svg

Document Managementadvanced_icon_ticks.svg

Purchasing Managementadvanced_icon_ticks.svg

Project Managementadvanced_icon_ticks.svg

Inventory Managementadvanced_icon_ticks.svg

Asset Managementadvanced_icon_ticks.svg

Expenses Managementadvanced_icon_ticks.svg

We understand and solve your key issues

We build products which are designed to solve our customers' key challenges.

  • Struggling to become a more strategic finance team

    In recent times, finance teams across all businesses have become a critical powerhouse in helping their organisation stay afloat and drive continued success during uncertain economic times. Many finance teams have a desire and need to drive business strategy and decision making; however, many find this challenging when they don’t have the right tools at their fingertips.


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  • Can’t keep up with new legislation requirements

    With the recent changes of Brexit, Covid-19 regulations, GDPR and Making Tax Digital to name a few, keeping on top of legislation changes can be a real headache for finance. Often older software systems don’t support new changes and this makes complying a lot of manual effort.


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  • Inefficient use of finance teams time

    It’s hard to stay productive when finance teams have many conflicting priorities, often have to help non finance users with processes and are often using outdated software which makes processes lengthier than they need to be.


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  • Too much time spent on reporting and data governance

    Many finance teams can’t get compete visibility of their performance and often spend days before board meetings manipulating data within Excel to make sense of the data in their finance system.


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The people who succeed with us

From charities to distribution and logistics, our customer base is rich and diverse

West Midlands authority logo
Trenitalia logo
Nugent logo
Cafcass logo
Aspirations logo
Platform logo
South Yorkshire Pension authority logo


”We were really impressed by the reporting capabilities offered by Advanced Financials. Being able to drill down into our financial data easily and efficiently is crucial for us as we continue to scale. ”

Nick Playford, Finance Manager

Monavate related image

Expect distribution logo

"Advanced Financials has revolutionised the way our finance team operate. It provides us with a clear picture of business performance and operations which is vital as we continue to grow."

Kennedy Lupindula, Management Accountant
Expect Distribution

Expect distribution truck

Top rated by our customers


ICAEW Technology accerditation   


Frequently asked questions

  • How can Advanced financial management software benefit my business?

    At Advanced our customers subscribe to a service from us which stands out from the crowd. Not only do we provide first-class financial management software, which has evolved over 30 years, but we have accounting experts heading up our product development. This means we are up-to-date on the legislative and market changes that could impact your organisation. Our Customer Success Team work alongside you to make sure you are getting the best from the product and utilising every aspect of the system. We offer outstanding functionality and excellent service to ensure you continuously save time, have a clear view of cash flow and make performance your number one priority.

  • What is the advantage of using Cloud-based financial management software?

    One of the big advantages of moving to the Cloud is that you can access your system anytime, anywhere. This has proven to be critical for businesses facing the challenges of the pandemic. Utilising the Cloud also means all your data is stored safely and securely, so you don’t to have to worry about physical documents and data getting lost or misplaced. Cloud software is priced differently, allowing customers to pay a subscription fee rather than hefty upfront costs. It includes upgrades and licence fees every year, making it much more affordable and cost-effective.


  • What is the benefit of integrated document management in financial management software?

    Processing supplier invoices is extremely time-consuming and expensive. In addition, delays in invoice processing can result in reduced supplier discounts and late payment penalties. Our software automates and streamlines the processing of supplier invoices, centralising the deposit of financial documents into a secure, easily accessible repository.

  • How secure is my data in Cloud-based financial management software?

    Cloud Financials from Advanced is based on Amazon Web Services, which is one of the most trusted Cloud platforms globally. Full disaster recovery is provided with 24/7 system availability and 99 per cent product uptime.

  • Why do I need SaaS-based financial management software?

    Moving to a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) model means you pay one simple monthly fee for your product, support, account management and services. All upgrades and enhancements are built into the product in real time and included within your monthly subscription costs. This means you won’t be hit with any scary upgrade surprises later on down the line.

  • When is the best time to switch to Cloud-based financial management software?

    To put it bluntly, now. This year has shown that moving to the Cloud is no longer a ‘nice to have’ but a ‘must have’ for organisations who want to remain agile and access systems remotely with ease. Moving to the Cloud also has cost benefits over time, and can be a good way to reduce on-premise software spend.


Financial resources that help you transform

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22 Feb 2022 by Amanda Grant, Product Management Director, Advanced

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14 Feb 2022 by Claire Ross, Head of Culture and Engagement

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10 Feb 2022 by Andrew Pearson, SME Product Manager