360 Feedback Software

Advanced Clear Review - 360 Feedback Reimagined

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Clear review performance management software in use

Employee led. No facilitator. Anytime

For years, 360 feedback has been a popular tool used by many HR professionals to evaluate employee performance. However, in recent years, this traditional method has become outdatd and ineffective in modern HR practice and simply is not as effective as continuous performance management. 

Feedback Circles, a feature within Advanced Clear Review, revolutionises 360 feedback. An employee-led, no facilitator, not-anonymous, anytime process to maximise employee development. 


More than just 360 feedback

Performance Management Software that removes annual appraisals


Feedback Circles

360 Feedback reimagined.

Give your employees control over their development by allowing them to uncover their strengths, weaknesses, and blind spots. Feedback Circles are employee led, not anonymous, don't require a facilitator and can be ran at any time.


Feedback Circles are employee led, meaning employees can chose who the rounds are sent to and when using templates that are set by your organisation.

  • Benefits
    • Request feedback based on a number of experiences over time rather than just in the moment feedback. 
    • Empower employees to lead their own development by uncovering their strengths, weaknesses and blind spots. 
    • Employees know who their feedback is from helping ensure the feedback is feedback is useful. Employees also aren't trying to guess who their feedback is from.
Employee Feedback Circles Screen


Feedback Circles are particularly helpful in improving manager performance as they can gather feedback from their team as well as other colleagues they work with.

  • Benefits
    • Managers can encourage their team to run Feedback Circle rounds to understand more about their soft skills.
    • Managers can easily identify goals for the team based on the feedback received via Feedback Circles. 
    • The feedback received forms the basis of the coaching conversations on how their team can develop and grow. 
Feedback Circles Templates

HR and Leadership

Enable 360 feedback to be run at any time with minimal HR admin. Drive a high performance culture by allowing employees to learn and grow based on feedback from a number of colleagues around multiple experiences.

  • Benefits
    • Minimal HR admin. Create templates for employees to use and then employees can run their own rounds of Feedback Circles without the need of a facilitator. 
    • Empower employees to drive their own development. Unlike 360 feedback, Feedback Circles shows who the responses are from to ensure feedback is helpful rather than negative, which can often be the case when it is anonymous. 
    • Everything in one place. Ensure goals are set from the feedback received by having goals and feedback in one system.
HR Feedback Circles Screen

Real-Time Feedback

Advanced Clear Review's real-time feedback functionality helps employees at every level to succeed and thrive.

Continuous feedback is a fundamental building block of effective performance management. Feedback can be given to anybody in the organisation regardless of their role.


Research shows that 69% of employees would work harder if they felt they would be recognised and appreciated for their work.

  • Benefits
    • Employees don’t have to wait until an arbitrary date to get or give feedback. This ensures feedback is relevant and effective, focusing on what an employee can do right now to improve.
    • Employees can request feedback from anybody within the organisation as well as from external contacts, giving them a well-rounded view of their performance.
    • Employees feel motivated as they are recognised for the work they are doing in real-time.


“I started using the feedback function on Advanced Clear Review straight away, and now I use it regularly. I enjoy giving feedback to my team members, and I also get a lot back in return, which is very encouraging!” Paul Romeril, Strategic Account Manager, Amthal Fire & Security

  • Benefits
    • Managers can see all feedback received and given to their team in one place, which helps to inform conversations with employees.
    • Managers can request feedback for members of their team, giving them greater insight into individual performance.
    • As the feedback is in real-time, managers can easily identify areas for improvement and set relevant goals.

HR and Leadership

“The feedback functionality within Advanced Clear Review was initially the element I personally was most excited about, given the potential impact on engagement that this kind of recognition could bring". Gary Beggs, Development Partner, Ted Baker

  • Benefits
    • When employees are working towards something, the anticipation of being acknowledged means they are likely to perform better. Giving fair and accurate feedback improves performance by a massive 39%.
    • Employees who feel recognised at work are more likely to be engaged, reducing employee turnover.
    • As feedback is linked to organisational values, employees are more likely to be aligned to them in their day to day work.


With automated conversation functionality, meaningful communication within your business becomes agile.

Advanced Clear Review enhances performance through guided conversations. See how the power of regular meaningful conversations can benefit employees, managers and HR within your organisation.


Employees who have regular performance discussions with their manager are almost three times as likely to be engaged. With guided conversations, you can help teams feel more supported and boost productivity.

  • Benefits
    • Regular conversations allow employees to raise any blockers and understand their performance in real time, not just yearly.
    • Employees are in control of their own development as they can set conversations with their manager at the click of a button.
    • Employees can set different conversation types with their manager, e.g. wellbeing or career, ensuring conversations are meaningful.


Inspiring and motivating teams requires more than annual performance reviews. Regular conversations help managers support employees, set relevant goals and become better leaders.

  • Benefits
    • Managers can uncover blockers within their team to maintain employee productivity.
    • Discussion prompts defined by conversation type support managers to ensure they get the most out of conversations with their team.
    • Conversations are documented and managers can leave notes that can be looked back on.

HR and Leadership

Highly engaged employees perform better, report greater job satisfaction and are 22% more productive.

  • Benefits
    • HR has visibility of all conversations so they can ensure they are frequent and meaningful.
    • Frequent conversations improve productivity and engagement.
    • By focusing on employee engagement, employee turnover is likely to decrease.

Agile Goals

Our easy-to-use agile goal functionality supports employee development and boosts business performance.

Set agile goals and collaborative objectives that are aligned with your business strategy. It’s easy to set, track and complete performance and personal development goals individually or as a team, benefiting employees, managers and HR departments.


“98% of staff are setting objectives. They love the simplicity and clarity that the platform provides”. Kristy Rowlett, Head of People Development, Wesleyan

  • Benefits
    • Employees understand in clear terms what is expected of them as each objective has key deliverables attached.
    • Employees can see how their individual goals contribute to the organisation's success.
    • Personal development objectives can also be set alongside performance objectives, helping employees see their future within the organisation.


72% of employees whose managers help them to set goals are fully engaged, and those rates increase by 2.5 times when managers hold staff accountable.

  • Benefits
    • Managers can set either individual or team objectives to boost productivity.
    • Short-term goals help managers ensure their team are focusing on the right priorities.
    • Managers can view the status of all team members' goals in one place, allowing them to easily monitor progress or overdue objectives.

HR and Leadership

For businesses to succeed, they need all employees to contribute to the overall goals of the organisation. The most effective way to achieve this is by employees setting clear goals that are aligned to wider company objectives.

  • Benefits
    • Productivity increases as all employees are working towards organisational goals.
    • HR has a clear view of all goals aligned to specific organisational objectives.
    • As goals are documented, recency bias is eliminated, enabling leaders and managers to make more objective decisions based on facts.


Meaningful conversations, agile goal-setting and regular feedback all contribute to improved employee engagement. Discover how our performance management system can positively impact your people.

Engagement and well-being are key to keeping productivity high, resignations low and attracting new talent, so these should be a top priority for your organisation.

Monitor employee wellbeing and engagement levels with My Mindspace

"My Mindspace is embedded in continuous performance management, which makes it the ideal tool for ongoing, real-time data about the wellbeing of your employees." — Ian MacRae Work Psychologist, MyMindspace Creator.

  • My Mindspace
    • Employees have a confidential space where they can express how they are feeling. Even if an employee doesn’t feel comfortable taking their issues to their manager, they still have a safe space to let their voice be heard.
    • My Mindspace enables HR to look at how specific departments, and the company as a whole, are feeling about their work in real time. This means HR directors receive regular updates on engagement levels for all types of employees.
    • My Mindspace gives people instant feedback on their responses, rather than waiting on survey results to be sent off and analysed. Employees will benefit from timely tips to help them become motivated at work, so they can see a real difference when it matters most.

Understand your employees with customised surveys

With Advanced Clear Review, it's easier than ever to gain valuable insights from the people that make up your organisation. Gather employee feedback by creating and analysing surveys on engagement, company initiatives or wellbeing.

  • Employee surveys
    • Easily create and send custom surveys to targeted groups of employees.
    • Gather valuable data to assist in strategic decision making.
    • Identify company-wide trends and areas for improvements.

Ensure all employees are heard with our Suggestion box

This feature provides a safe environment for employees to share ideas, concerns or feedback at any time.

  • Suggestion box
    • Gain visibility into your employees' experience by hearing their ideas, suggestions or concerns.
    • Allow your employees to express themselves anonymously. This can be helpful for those times when employees would rather raise a suggestion or concern in confidence, giving them the space to be honest about their thoughts and ideas. 
    • Get real-time insights so changes can be made quickly and issues can be resolved as soon as possible.


Performance, productivity and engagement were difficult to measure objectively - until now. Analytics functionality means you'll receive data-driven insights into key values that can help you make critical business decisions.

Clear and actionable insights are at your fingertips when you transform your performance management processes with Advanced Clear Review.

Insights to improve organisational performance

What gets measured gets managed. Drive improved adoption, quality and performance with indispensable data.

  • Benefits
    • Visualise data within the in-app dashboards to analyse trends over time.
    • Pull Advanced Clear Review user data into other business tools like Tableau and Power BI. Refresh dashboards to see live data at the click of a button for more streamlined reporting.
    • Compare performance across managers by assessing manager/team adoption with our leaderboards.


Advanced Clear Review makes revolutionising your performance management processes simple, with a straightforward and easy-to-use interface.

All of our features are relevant to your needs and can be customised to suit your organisation. Find out how we've made our software accessible, intuitive and easy to navigate.

SSO and Integrations

Increase adoption and reduce the need for IT support by seamlessly integrating key business platforms.

  • Benefits
    • Connect to the identity provider of your choice with Single Sign On (SSO): Microsoft Azure Active Directory, Okta and OneLogin, Gsuite and Oracle.
    • Never miss a thing through our integration with Microsoft Office 365 (Outlook, Teams and OneDrive).
    • Through our secure and automated FTPS HRIS data integrations, sync your people records directly to Advanced Clear Review.


Easily and simply add the languages your organisation needs.

  • Benefits
    • English
    • Chinese
    • French
    • Spanish
    • Vietnamese
    • We are also able to quickly add any additional languages on request.


Ensure Advanced Clear Review reflects your culture and organisational identity through several customisation options.

  • Configurability options
    • The option to change 52 terms on the system. For example, change 'objectives' to 'goals', or 'conversations' to 'check-ins'.
    • Change the systems's colours to align with your organisation’s branding.
    • Embed your logo into the system.


A one-of-a-kind performance management community of over 2000 like-minded individuals.

Join the Advanced Performance Management Academy and gain free access to exclusive courses, webinars, and information on best practices. Members also have the opportunity to network with other managers, employees and HR professionals, sharing valuable insights and tips.

Expand your knowledge

Take our free courses to learn all about continuous performance management and create an engaged and happy workforce.

  • Courses
    • Continuous Performance Management 101 – Why annual appraisals just won’t cut it anymore, and what is replacing them.
    • Measuring performance and engagement – De-bunking HR data myths and teaching you how to measure performance and engagement to gain insights.
    • Changing Performance Culture – Learn how a new performance culture should be implemented with change management best practices.

Have a conversation

Network with others in your industry and expand your knowledge through conversation.

  • Communities
    • Sector specific communities. Here you can discuss industry-specific challenges and speak to others in your sector.
    • Customer forum. This is the place for customers to discuss best practice and for us to share useful hints and tips.
    • Product Release Notes community. Keep up to date with all of our latest releases and ask questions to our product specialists.


We regularly host thought-leadership events with guest speakers from a range of industries.

  • Event types
    • Thought leadership and product-based webinars
    • Discussion roundtables
    • Q&A’s

Pricing plans

We have plans available for organisations of all sizes. Find out which one is right for you


Everything you need to kickstart your performance culture with our award-winning software



Billed annually


Per month
billed annually

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Level up your performance culture with measurement insight



Billed annually


Per month
billed annually

Everything in Starter  and...

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Push your performance culture to new highs with dedicated expertise and support



Billed annually


Per month
billed annually

Everything in Standard and...

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Compare all Clear Review features




  • Adapt




    • Reminders and notifications

      Personalised reminder and notifications to stay up to date with key actions




    • In-product guidance

      In product prompts and guides for users to drive user adoption and feature activation




  • Performance




    • Feedback circles

      Gather structured feedback, from peers, direct reports, managers and other stakeholders (internal/external)



    • Real time feedback

      Give and request feedback in the moment, in real-time




    • Manager request feedback

      Managers request feedback on behalf of their team members




    • Personal development goals

      Personal development goals and deliverables




    • Conversations

      Schedule, facilitate and track conversations




    • Goals and OKRs

      Develop and collaborate on organisation goals, team goals and individual goals




    • Actions

      Set and track actions related to goals, conversations and personal performance




    • Feedback voice messaging (coming soon)

      Give feedback in the moment, in real-time with voice notes



    • Talent snapshots

      Measure performance with Talent Snapshots to drive key HR decision making



    • External feedback

      Request feedback in the moment - externally



  • Engage




    • Pulse survey

      Our automated, scientifically-backed tool measures wellbeing and engagement in seconds and advises employees how to improve using customisable nudges




    • Employee suggestions

      Provide a safe place for your employees to voice ideas, suggestions or concerns. Gain visibility into how employees are experiencing your organisation



    • Engagement surveys

      Build your own engagement, wellbeing and people experience surveys



  • Reporting




    • Performance dashboards

      Track adoption and performance measures with manager and executive dashboards




    • Data extract (csv)

      Report and export your data in CSV




    • Analytics API

      Connect to third-party tools to report on all aspects of performance



  • Connect




    • SSO (Single Sign On)

      Single Sign On (SSO): Microsoft Azure Active Directory, Okta, OneLogin, Gsuite and Oracle




    • HRIS Intergration

      People records intergrated through SFTP HRIS data intergrations




    • Microsoft 365 (Outlook, One Drive, Teams)

      Intergrate Outlook, Calendars and Documents with Microsoft Office 365




  • Transformation




    • Technical implementation

      Implementation of the system, including support with integrations and branding




    • Project implementation

      Starter: Digital courses and advice Standard/Ultimate: Welcome call and weekly f2f meetings with expert implementation advice




    • Change management tools

      Internal communication templates and performance and engagement training templates and tools




    • Conversation templates

      System is loaded with best practice templates for a range of Conversations




    • Survey templates

      System is loaded with survey templates to explore different aspects of the employee experience



    • Talent snapshot templates

      System is loaded with Talent review templates in-line with best practice to support Talent Management activities



    • Transformation readiness assessment

      Initial workshop transformation specialists to scope the nature and size of the business change, and to recommend additional actions or considerations



    • Transformation health checks

      Annual reviews against the initial change plan to drive additional suggestions for on-going change success



    • Bespoke communication plan

      Direct support with creation of custom communication plans


    • L&D interventions for exec and mgmt

      Design and delivery of learning and development intervention to support on-going success


    • Data analytics support and consultancy

      Support with anayltics set-up and management


  • Customer Success




    • System usage review

      Starter: Statistics shared around system engagement (feature clicks) to encourage adoption. Standard/Ultimate: Service includes discusssions on how to increase usage and adoption




    • Best practice recommendations

      Starter: Best Practice Recommendations shared around system usage and business processes. Standard/Ultimate: Service includes both digital content and a discussion in person




    • New feature review

      Starter/Standard: Digital content promoting new features. Ultimate: Service includes follow up discussions in person and best-practice related to new feature activation




    • Review of business challenges and goals

      Discussion around business challenges and goals - best practice recommendations will be tailored around the identified needs and priorities of the business



    • Support ticket review

      Review of outstanding support tickets and discussion around SLA performance. Escalation of support tickets is required



    • Point of escalation

      Dedicated contact for escalation



    • Tailored adoption plan

      Adoption Plan is tailored to individual business needs and requirements


    • Tailored product advice

      Product advice is tailored to individual business needs and requirements


    • Quarterly business reviews

      Quartarly Value Report to review impact of Clear Review and discuss future goals





Who succeeds with us

Our customers love using Advanced Clear Review as seen by our G2 badges!

High Performer Enterprise G2 Badge
Easiest to do business with G2 badge
High performer mid market G2 badge
High Performer Europe G2 Badge
High Performer Spring G2 Badge


Leigh-Acadamies-CS@2x (1).png

"This is exactly how I would design a performance management system - it takes away everything that I've always hated about performance management solutions."

— Richard Taylor - People Director

Leigh Academies Trust



"We chose Advanced Clear Review for many reasons, primarily its ease of use and the fact that it means performance management becomes embedded into our working lives."

— Jude Holt – Senior HR Business partner & Talent Lead

AG Barr product image



"Advanced’s performance management platform was by far the best-received model that we trialled. In satisfaction surveys run regularly throughout the testing period, it consistently scored 90% and above."

— Bent Plant – HR Director

london borough of waltham forest image


Free Advanced Clear Review Demo

Try our free performance management software demo and learn why our satisfied customers use Advanced Clear Review to improve productivity and engagement.

1. Fill out the form with your details 

2. Select a date and time for the demo 

3. Our team will be in touch beforehand to discuss your requirements 

4. We will take you through a personalised virtual demo and answer any questions you may have. 

If you decide to implement our intuitive technology, we'll support your organisation in making the cultural shift to year-round performance management.  

Just complete your details below