Foundation Skills & ACSF
We provide organisations with the tools to significantly improve their learner’s Literacy and Numeracy achievement with user friendly assessments and resources.

bksb is a global leader in creating EdTech products which improve Literacy and Numeracy Skills.
The bksb assessments and learning resources have all been mapped to the Australian Core Skills Framework (ACSF) – the national reference point for assessing performance in the core skill areas – and we are one of the few Australian Government approved LLN assessment tools an organisation can use for RTO funding compliance obligations.
We understand and solve your key issues
We build our products which are designed to solve our customers’ key challenges.
- Learners' abilities unclear
If a learner does not have a recent qualification, it can be hard to ascertain their current level for Literacy and Numeracy.
- Breakdown of a learner’s skill
Not knowing your learners' individual ability profiles can make structuring and planning their learning difficult.
- Lack of interest from learners
Learners often don't see the point of Literacy and Numeracy, especially if they have signed up for a more practical vocational course.
- Difficult-to-manage learning
Tutors and managers struggle to manage learning which is suitable for a range of learners at different levels.
- Proof of progression
Organisations need to provide progression data for all of their learners for funding and inspection purposes.
Key capabilities
Initial Assessment
Diagnostic Assessment
Learning Resources
End of Topic Skills Checks
More than just LLN software
Learn more about the powerful features that sit within bksb
How our Foundation Skills and ACSF solutions can help you
Australian Core Skills Framework (ACSF)
Explore how bksb can improve your learners' core skills
The bksb solutions are mapped against the Australian Core Skills Framework (ACSF), the key quality measure for the Australian Government’s Skills for Education and Employment Programme which enables Literacy and Numeracy practitioners to define a student’s performance in the core skills of Reading, Writing and Numeracy.
Initial assessment
An intelligent online assessment which maps the Australian Core Skills Framework and accurately identifies a student’s current working level for literacy and numeracy.
Identifies from Pre-Level 1 to Level 5
Automatically assigns the relevant level Diagnostic Assessment
Adapts to the individual’s responses
Accessible from the bksbLIVE 2 learning platform
Diagnostic assessment
The appropriate level Diagnostic Assessment appears in the student’s portal upon completion of their Initial Assessment. The Diagnostic Assessment is a more detailed assessment of a student’s current working level.
Diagnostic Features
Available for Literacy and Numeracy at all ACSF levels
Generates an interactive Individual Learning Plan (ILP)
Highlights an individual’s strengths and skills gaps
Populates the student’s profile with the specific learning resources
Accessible from the bksbLIVE 2 learning platform
Learning Resources
After the Initial and Diagnostic Assessments, learners are signposted to relevant resources from their ILP which allows them to work through their skill gaps. The resources include engaging content and exercises, accessible on all types of devices.
Features & Benefits
Fully interactive and self-marking
Provides the essential underpinning knowledge base for Literacy and Numeracy
Suitable for tutor-led and independent learning – ideal for classroom, workshops, work-based and distance learning
In-depth tracking and reporting
Progress checks
These short interactive assessments cover a variety of topics across the Literacy and Numeracy framework. There is a Skill Check for every learning stage and they enable students to close their identified skills gaps, and consequently confirm competency in these topic areas.
Fully interactive and self-marking
Provide immediate feedback to learners and tutors
Over 150 assessments ranging from Pre-Level 1 to Level 5
Accessible from the bksbLIVE 2 learning platform
Foundation Skills
bksb are Government approved software providers for RTO funding compliance.
Foundation skills are key requirements for an individual’s participation in the workplace, in the community and in education and training. They are a combination of employability skills and language, literacy and numeracy (LLN) skills.
The Australian Government supports the development of foundation skills through Vocational Education and Training (VET) so that individuals are equipped with the language, literacy, numeracy and employability skills required by businesses.
Our solution for numeracy features an Initial Assessment, Diagnostic Assessment, engaging Learning Resources and Progress Checks (Skill Checks) to evidence progression
Features & Benefits
Mapped against the Australian Core Skills Framework (ACSF)
Assesses from Pre-Level 1 to Level 5
Individualised assessments which are adaptive to a user’s level of ability
Interactive, self-marking resources available at every level – populated into the user’s Individual Learning Plan
Our solution for Literacy features an Initial Assessment, Diagnostic Assessment, engaging Learning Resources and Progress Checks (Skill Checks) to evidence progression.
Features & Benefits
Mapped against the Australian Core Skills Framework (ACSF)
Assesses from Pre-Level 1 to Level 5
Individualised assessments which are adaptive to a user’s level of ability
Interactive, self-marking resources available at every level – populated into the user’s Individual Learning Plan
Interactive, online modules designed to assist in the development of Physics, Chemistry and Biology skills for secondary schools and training organisations.
Hosted within the bksbLIVE 2 platform.
bksb Science includes original online video learning content and summative assessment questions, all hosted within our bksbLIVE 2 platform.
Features include:
Clear topic objectives and summaries
Summative assessment questions
Engaging illustrations and animations, attractive visual format
Compatible with tablets and mobile devices
Vocational Learning Resources
Developed to bring relevance to Literacy and Numeracy for anyone doing a vocational qualification.
Features & Benefits
Scenario-based resources allow practice of LLN skills in a vocational context.
Designed to help to demonstrate the importance of LLN in all careers.
Tailored to improve the learner motivation surrounding LLN and its importance.
12 vocational areas are available in interactive format at levels 3 & 4.
Vocational Areas include:
Art & Design
Business Admin
Hair & Beuaty
Health & Social Care
Hospitality & Catering
Employability Skills Assessment
An assessment mapped to the CSfW which measures employability skills using interactive diagnostic assessments across three clusters; "Navigate the World of Work", "Interact With Others" and "Get the Work Done".
Supports students to develop the skills and knowledge which Australian employers are looking for.
Audio and reporting functions are available for each cluster, as well as an overall group progress report.
There are five stages which are used to profile the learner. They are:
Level 1: A Novice Performer
Level 2: An Advanced Beginner
Level 3: A Capable Performer
Level 4: A Proficient Performer
Level 5: An Expert Performer -
Why bksb?
bksb solutions are delivered on the bksbLIVE 2 system, a cloud-based and secure platform accessible on all types of devices and hosted by Amazon Web Servers (AWS).
bksbLIVE 2
Features include:
Each bksb user has their own dashboard and unique, secure login details
Powerful tracking, reporting and student data management for tutors and staff
Australian Government-approved content
Assessments and resources also available for employability skills and vocational learning
A system used by thousands of organisations and millions of students across Australia and around the world every year
Dedicated support team, free setup and staff training with no hidden costs