Supercharging the Manufacturing industry through easy workforce management

The manufacturing world can supercharge its operations by making gains from an improved and proactive people experience. Manufacturing organisations operate in a fast-paced and demanding environment, and productivity is vital in helping you push for success. Discover how by having the right systems and technology in place, you can unlock this productivity potential of your people, supercharging your workforce to push your business to greater degrees of success.

factory workers


Workforce Management and the Manufacturing Industry

We know the manufacturing industry is routinely juggling a variety of wide-ranging challenges, from on-site security to concerns around productivity and simply ensuring you have the right people, with the right skills, on the right shifts, at the right time. At Advanced, our workforce management solutions help manufacturers become proactive with their people. This frees your employees to better harness their time and efforts in ways that will materially impact your performance. Whether it’s our Time and Attendance, HR, Access Control, or Performance Management solutions, we can help you supercharge your manufacturing.

Challenges in the world of Manufacturing



More than just Workforce Management 

Find out more about the powerful features that sit within our workforce management software

How our Wokforce Management solutions help you


Featured resources for you


The National Manufacturing & Supply Chain Conference & Exhibition!

Why not make the most of the event by planning your day and pre-booking a 15 minute appointment or demo with us?

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Northern Ireland Manufacturing & Supply Chain Conference & Exhibition!

Why not make the most of the event by planning your day and pre-booking a 15 minute demo with us?

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Become proactive with your people by supercharging your manufacturing

John McManus,
Country Director, Advanced

Join John McManus, Country Director for Ireland at Advanced, for an illuminating insight into how the manufacturing industry can enhance their operations by prioritizing an improved and proactive people experience.

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Manufacturing resources that help you become proactive with your people

How can we help?

Workforce Management and the Manufacturing Industry