Clinical management for hospices and private practice
Crosscare for hospices includes a full hospice administration module that covers all aspects of hospice care such as inpatient and outpatient referrals and multiple, concurrent episodes of care. Our mobile solution is also perfect for hospice-at-home teams.
Crosscare is also the leading clinical system used within private GP practices and clinics in and around Harley Street, enabling healthcare providers to keep clinical records, organise appointments and track invoices and revenue.
How can it help you?
Hospice administration
Our hospice administration module allows you to deal with incoming referrals and multiple, concurrent episodes of care. You can cater for referral details, carers, friends and family members together with clinical requirements, special alerts and reminders. With a full rostering and hospice-at-home module, nurse shift patterns can be scheduled for both the inpatient and homecare teams.
Clinical management for private practice
For private healthcare providers, our clinical management system allows for clinical record keeping and prescribing, as well as appointments, reporting and integrated accounting modules. This means the solution can double as a marketing tool, allowing you to see where your patients are coming from, and giving you the insight needed to grow your business.
Key features
We are a leading provider of clinical patient management software used by over 70 adult and children's hospices across the UK.
Our team of product experts have been developing Crosscare for over 15 years, to ensure that it meets the administrative and clinical needs of your hospice. It is now the most widely used clinical system in the market.
"Crosscare really makes a difference to our staff and our patients. By having all our patient information electronically in one place, staff do not have to waste time going through paper records and looking for the information they need. For the back-office staff it makes reporting and auditing quicker and easier, while it gives clinicians more time to focus on caring for our patients."
"We now have a central, holistic view of care plans incorporating clinical notes and family support which enhances our service."
"Logging visits and activity onto patient databases was previously an onerous activity. We had highly qualified nurses tapping in numbers with no gain for patient care but with Crosscare it’s integrated, so when you fill in your notes, its automatically logging your figures at the same time. We get a much more accurate picture and it’s not a task staff end up with at the end of the week. Extracting data and reports is also much simpler – information for MDS submissions can now be gathered in hours by one person."
"Advanced has an excellent reputation across the sector and having multiple products from the same supplier means that our IT systems are more integrated, which saves us considerable amounts of time and therefore money."