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Continuous Performance Management: Empowering local government employees

14/05/2024 minute read OneAdvanced PR

Tough decisions

Budgetary shortfall, the cost of doing business crisis, digital skills gaps, and retention issues are all playing their part in making life in local government more difficult. Management teams are being asked to do more with less, as councils up and down the country struggle to maintain basic levels of provision.

Squeezed from all angles, local authorities are, in many cases, having to make tough decisions on which services they are able to keep going. From refuse collection and street lighting to social care for adults and children, services the public rely on are under threat.

Under these conditions, it is hardly surprising that local authorities are facing significant problems with recruitment and retention. In fact, the picture is undeniably grim: 94% of respondents in a recent Local Government Workforce Survey said their council is finding it difficult to hire and retain staff.

Closing the gap

The above survey also highlights the problem of skills gaps within local councils and management teams. These skills gaps are particularly evident in HR (57% of councils said there is a capacity skills gap in people management) and technology (58% of districts said there is a capability skills gap in supporting digitalisation/use of technology).

When it comes to digital skills, local councils can either hire professionals with the requisite skills, or look for digital solutions that can be learned in-house. Considering budgetary restraints and issues surrounding attraction, councils should consider the latter of these two options when aiming to get the most from new and existing technologies.

Skills gaps in people management can also be bridged with the right digital solution. Any such solution should not only streamline payroll, time and attendance, and other operational tasks, but should also provide a platform for effective performance management.

Time to perform

Getting the right performance management system in place does two things. First, it increases engagement by giving each staff member a voice; second, it adds value in the recruitment phase – forward-thinking management is an attractive proposition for job seekers.

Any performance management solution will need to be carried out on a continuous basis. Known as Continuous Performance Management (CPM), this approach replaces the ‘annual appraisal’, an outdated method of measuring employee performance.  

The CPM system must be intuitive and easy to use. This will mean less time spent learning the product, and increased buy-in from senior leadership and staff. It will also mean that the product can be easily taught to other team members, without the need for outside tech support.

Future proofing

When considering a digital CPM solution, senior leaders should look to a product that can accommodate emergent and near-future technologies. This will ensure the CPM does not become quickly redundant, and is able to keep up with the pace of change. For this, a cloud-based solution ticks all the boxes, since new applications can be added incrementally.

Going 100% cloud-based also means that users can access the CPM from any location, at any time. There is no need to download any software, and the CPM can be used on any mobile device, laptop, tablet, or PC. This gives staff members the flexibility to engage with the platform at a suitable time.

Adopting cloud-based solutions means greater levels of security. With data theft an ongoing concern, and cyberattacks becoming ever-more sophisticated, organisations should look to replace on-premise legacy infrastructure. The cloud host’s job is to constantly monitor potential threats, providing optimal data protection for local government.

The OneAdvanced solution

OneAdvanced’s digital CPM, Performance and Talent, is designed for ease of use, with minimal training required. The intuitive dashboard comes with a number of handy reporting capabilities, and data is easy to export. Performance and Talent can be integrated with other popular analytics software, including Tableau, and Power BI.

With Performance and Talent, feedback is encouraged across the entire organisation. This feedback is carried out in real time, ensuring all employees receive praise for a job well done – an instant boost to morale. For those who may find it difficult to construct feedback, the system comes with AI assistance, ensuring messaging remains clear and professional.

Entirely cloud-based, Performance and Talent can be accessed from any location, without the need for downloads. Compatible with Android and OS devices, the solution is ideal for staff who typically work out-of-office. Accessed remotely, the software eliminates the need for face-to-face meetings, and reduces time spent on burdensome administrative tasks.

Missed the OneAdvanced Trends Report 2023/2024? Read all the highlights for central and local government in our Government Sector Trends Report.