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Our Holiday Pay Legislation webinar with the CIPP is now On-Demand

18/08/2022 minute read Voirrey Ellison

We all need a break sometimes right? Time off is an important part of our working lives and paid annual leave forms a core component of any organisation’s employee rewards structure.

As with any element of employee reward and pay, the responsibility of proper compliance with holiday pay rules and regulations naturally falls to payroll teams within organisations- many of whom find themselves contending with the often labyrinthine challenges of shifting legislation.

Now a new Supreme Court ruling looks set to affect the way businesses handle holiday pay significantly. A Government announcement has set out changes to holiday pay legislation for all organisations.

The new ruling has found that part time employees should be entitled to the same amount of annual paid leave (pro-rata) as their full time colleagues and could see part time teachers and workers on similar contracts receive thousands in back pay.

How does this new ruling effect you? With these latest changes to holiday pay, compliance and adherence to the new legislation will be more important than ever, especially if businesses wish to avoid hefty potential financial and legal consequences.

Our latest webinar saw us teaming up with Matthew Akrigg from the Chartered Institute of Payroll Professionals for an ultimate deep dive into holiday pay legislation and in particular, what are some of the potential pitfalls organisations need to look out for when preparing for these changes.

Missed out the first time around? Well no need to panic! The webinar is now available on demand for you to enjoy at your leisure.

What to expect?

As you can expect, teaming up with the CIPP means we’re bringing you the leading industry insights on what you need to know in order to prepare yourself for these imminent changes.

So what exactly will the webinar be delving into?

  •       Calculating leave entitlement- Actually reconciling the type and amount of holiday pay you are required to pay out is no mean feat. Along with guidance from Matthew, we will help you navigate through different leave types- whether it is regulation 13 leave, additional or contractual and how this aligns with the amount of pay this will translate to. We will also help you understand how to calculate holiday pay effectively for those employees who are set to be most impacted by the new legislation- those on irregular or part time hours.
  •       Notice for Annual Leave- One of the elements which can impact a smooth implementation of effective holiday pay is ensuring that payroll teams are given a suitable notice period prior to any leave taken.
  •       Working time regulations- The webinar will also delve into the working time regulations, helping you to understand how statutory leave allowances are capped and how organisations can set their own agreements around bringing forward annual leave allowances from previous calendar years.
  •       Bank holiday allowances- As they don’t count as part of statutory leave allowances, bank holidays present their own challenges for organisations reconciling holiday pay. Join us to discover how to set up relevant agreements to cover eventualities.
  •       Consequences of non-compliance- As with all aspects of payroll, failure to adhere to these new shifts can present significant legal and financial challenges which organisations will be keen to avoid. Matthew and the team at the CIPP will be diving into the pitfalls around non compliance and offering sage advice on how to best prepare for the upcoming changes.
  •       Communicating change- One of the most important elements of legislative change is ensuring that you are pushing out effective communication to all affected parties. Our webinar will help you understand how to get the message out to your people and ensure every employee understands their rights.
  •       Who the regulation impacts

Join us.

We understand that legislative change can be frustrating and the potential hurdles thrown up by these shifts are often daunting. We also know that holiday pay is one of the best ways to reward your people for a job well done, so the benefits of getting it right far outweigh the initial challenges.

You’re not alone in wanting to meet these changes head on. Advanced and the team at the CIPP are here to help guide you through these legislative shifts and help ensure everyone within your business can take a well earned break without the stress of wondering if their holiday pay will be correct.

If you’d like to discover more about how to stay on top of the new changes to holiday pay legislation, watch the webinar for free and on demand, whenever is convenient for you.