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Why Is Wellbeing Important in the Workplace?

03/08/2023 minute read OneAdvanced PR

Late­ly, well­be­ing in the work­place has been com­ing into the lime­light more and more, and for good rea­son! A few years ago, many peo­ple were under the impres­sion that well­ness was pure­ly phys­i­cal, but we know now that a healthy mind is equal­ly as cru­cial to the hap­pi­ness of your employ­ees. But, even though it’s being dis­cussed more than ever, many organ­i­sa­tions are still a long way off where they need to be when it comes to sup­port­ing their staff’s men­tal health.

Pro­mot­ing well­be­ing in the work­place is all about pro­vid­ing your staff with the nec­es­sary incen­tives, tools, and sup­port to help them bring their best to the job. From health insur­ance poli­cies to beers on a Fri­day, skill-shar­ing work­shops to spon­sored char­i­ty events, nur­tur­ing your staff’s hap­pi­ness fuels engage­ment and pro­duc­tiv­i­ty by remind­ing them that they’re appre­ci­at­ed, and that the 40+ hours they’re putting in every week matter.

Here are three rea­sons why well­be­ing is essen­tial in the workplace.

1. Hap­pi­er, Health­i­er Employ­ees Take Less Sick Leave 

Did you know a sur­vey con­duct­ed by the men­tal health char­i­ty, Mind revealed one in three peo­ple con­sid­er their job to be the most stress­ful fac­tor in their lives, even more so than debt and finan­cial prob­lems? And stress does­n’t only affect humans psy­cho­log­i­cal­ly — it plays a role in our phys­i­cal health, too. 

Pro­longed peri­ods of anx­i­ety and wor­ry can increase the like­li­hood some­one will engage in risky behav­iours, such as smok­ing, dan­ger­ous dri­ving and exces­sive drink­ing. It can also cause fatigue, make con­cen­trat­ing dif­fi­cult and lead to high blood pres­sure and ill­ness­es like heart dis­ease and diabetes. 

To pre­vent burnout and low­er the num­ber of sick days employ­ees are tak­ing, either because they’re unwell or they don’t want to be in the office, offer free coun­selling, fixed work­ing hours, and paid breaks. Also, encour­age reg­u­lar exer­cise and healthy eating. 

2. High­ly Moti­vat­ed Teams Per­form Better

A lack of auton­o­my, caused by micro­manag­ing and not cor­rect­ly util­is­ing your employ­ees’ skills, is at the root of much staff unhap­pi­ness. Com­bat this by using con­tin­u­ous per­for­mance man­age­ment soft­ware like Advanced Clear Review to empow­er your teams to set their own goals aligned with com­pa­ny-wide objec­tives, and encour­age man­agers to pro­vide their teams with reg­u­lar, mean­ing­ful feedback. 

It’s also an effec­tive tool for con­duct­ing per­for­mance reviews and allows lead­ers to recog­nise peo­ple who have smashed their tar­gets and exceed­ed expec­ta­tions. They can then be award­ed with pay ris­es or pub­licly thanked in team meet­ings. Those who are strug­gling can be detect­ed, and you can offer them addi­tion­al help and coaching.

3. Keep Staff for Longer and Attract Top Talent

A com­pa­ny cul­ture that embraces good men­tal health by putting employ­ee hap­pi­ness at the heart of every­thing it does, instead of focussing sole­ly on the bot­tom line, fos­ters loy­al­ty. Your team mem­bers will be sat­is­fied in their roles and less inclined to look for new oppor­tu­ni­ties else­where, help­ing to reduce recruit­ment costs and retain a high-qual­i­ty work­force. And if morale is high, they’ll be able to weath­er what­ev­er chal­leng­ing sit­u­a­tions get thrown at them. 

Plus, an employ­er with sol­id ethics, low turnover rates, and an entic­ing well­be­ing pack­age is incred­i­bly attrac­tive to new recruits. This will give you a sig­nif­i­cant advan­tage over your com­peti­tors when choos­ing top tal­ent, essen­tial for ensur­ing the con­tin­ued suc­cess of your business.

Well­be­ing should be a pri­or­i­ty for your organ­i­sa­tion, but it need­n’t be dif­fi­cult to imple­ment. Using Advanced Clear Review’s con­tin­u­ous per­for­mance man­age­ment soft­ware allows man­agers to pro­vide valu­able feed­back and sup­port to their teams and also mon­i­tor engage­ment lev­els, offer­ing advice on how to improve. To see it in action for free, fill out our book a demo form, and a mem­ber of our expert team will be in touch.