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Recruitment to retention: how to build a strong team

22/08/2023 minute read OneAdvanced PR

Top-performing talent will always be in demand. Law firms are consistently facing the challenge of attracting and retaining skilled individuals who can help them provide quality legal services to their clients. With that in mind, as the market becomes more competitive and complex, it's important to create a strong recruitment and retention strategy that can help build a robust team of legal professionals. In this blog post, we will discuss the steps law firms can take to achieve this goal.

1. Define culture and values

Before even beginning recruitment processes, the first step in building a strong team is to define the core values and beliefs of the firm. This will help establish what the company stands for and what unique benefits and values it offers to its employees. This means creating a consistent voice across the firm, from job postings and social media profiles to email communications. It's vital to be transparent about your company culture and values to attract like-minded individuals and allow potential candidates to decide if they are a good fit. A clear employer brand will help law firms attract the right talent and retain current employees. It will also help align the company's goals and missions with those of its employees.

2. Nurture growth and development

Once the right talent is onboard, it's essential to provide them with a pathway for growth and development. The SRA's continuing competency requirements make it essential for legal professionals to continue developing themselves, but a firm that supports their continued professional development will stand out as a supportive environment that helps build growth. Law firms should create a programme where employees can learn and grow through training, mentoring, and development opportunities.

A clear career path should serve as a motivator for employees to succeed and provide them with a goal to strive for. Offer opportunities for employees to learn new skills, attend workshops, and conferences, help them keep track of these using performance management solutions so both you and your staff can visualise their progress. Involving the whole firm in the decision-making process will also provide a sense of value. Employees who feel valued and well developed by an organisation tend to be more loyal and productive.

3. Create a positive place to work

Firms should focus on creating a positive work environment. Conducive workspaces, respectful and open communication and management, and a strong set of organisational values can encourage productivity and increase job satisfaction. Encourage work-life balance through arranging flexible work hours, remote working, and other creative workforce solutions that support employee well-being.

The findings of the Bellwether 2022 report even show that currently a positive place to work, highlighting that work-life balance is the top priority of legal professionals at 45%. Ranking higher than firm reputation, which shows that small and medium sized firms can stay competitive in the current market by providing a better place to work. 

4. Stay competitive

Compensation and benefits are critical for any organisation and should be competitive within the legal industry. Competitive pay, generous healthcare benefits, pension plan, and other forms of rewards can encourage satisfaction and loyalty. An attractive compensation package is likely to retain qualified individuals and increase employee morale.

Regular performance reviews and adjustments based on performance can help maintain employee morale and job satisfaction. Compensation packages could also include flexible work arrangements, bonuses, and benefits relevant to the lives and needs of individual employees.

5. Set realistic goals and expectations and regularly review them

Setting clear goals and reasonable expectations can help set employees up for success. Employees love to have success visible to them, and setting achievable, challenging, and meaningful goals can motivate them to perform exceptionally. Goal setting can help enhance communication and celebrate achievements, which are two vital components of creating a strong team. By keeping on track of these with your staff through a review system and performance management, you’re sure to keep your staff on track and onside.

Attracting and retaining top-performing talent remains a perpetual challenge for law firms. To succeed, firms must establish a robust recruitment and retention strategy. Defining core values and creating a transparent employer brand is the key. Nurturing growth through learning opportunities and a clear career path motivates employees. Fostering a positive work environment and promoting work-life balance enhances job satisfaction. Offering competitive compensation and benefits is crucial to retention. Setting realistic goals empowers employees to achieve success. By implementing these strategies, law firms can build a strong team, positioning themselves for sustained success and continued growth in the dynamic legal landscape.