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RCN to save three days per month with finance software

27/01/2015 minute read Ric Thompson

Systems key to improving management reporting and streamlining efficiencies

The Royal College of Nursing (RCN) is anticipating substantial savings in reduced man hours by introducing smart report functionality to its senior management team. The new functionality - enabled by integrated finance, electronic workflow and document management software from Advanced – was made available to 100 managers from December 2014.

The smart reports provide managers with instant access to financial data that was previously only available on request from RCN’s accounts team. Typically, this information has taken individual accountants an average of three days every month to research and collate. Improved access to information will support management decision making and enable accountants to devote more time to strategic activities.

The RCN is a union membership organisation which supports more than 450,000 UK members of the public and private nursing community. Founded in 1916, the organisation is committed to promoting excellence in practice and shaping health policy.  The RCN employs 900 staff over 17 sites.

Smart reports will enable managers to drill down into monthly management accounts to view individual transactions recorded in Advanced’s OpenAccounts finance system and related records held in its electronic document management solution (powered by V1). The distribution of information is managed via eBIS, a powerful workflow engine which ensures only authorised personnel can access information.

Alasdair Rennie, Systems Accountant, Royal College of Nursing comments: “The introduction of smart reports is a major development. Improved efficiencies will save   the finance team three days per month and enable RCN’s senior managers to access the information they need to make informed decisions far more quickly than in the past.

“The new reports have been made possible by seamless integration between OpenAccounts, V1 Capture and eBIS. Managers can now drill-down from high level information held in management accounts to view specific transactions and images of documents such as invoices, purchase orders and expense claims.”

The RCN has used Advanced’s solutions since 2010 to manage its general, sales and purchase ledgers in addition to staff expense claims. The systems are also used to produce reports required by external agencies including HMRC and TUC. The RCN’s accounts are managed by a team of 24 accountants.

The introduction of smart reports is the latest in a series of successful projects enabled by Advanced’s back-office solutions. RCN employees use HR Software to manage every aspect of human resources. In the last 12 months, the organisation’s HR team have saved an average of seven hours per week by automating processes related to pension auto-enrolment for all 900 staff members.

Andrew West, HR Manager, RCN says: “OpenHR enabled us to manage pension auto-enrolment quickly and painlessly. We collated emails and responses from 900 staff within the systems without the need for manual data entry. We have saved approximately 400 hours in the last year as a result. In 2015 we will be introducing employee self-service which will enable staff to update their personal details held centrally in the system. We are anticipating further time savings as a direct result.

“The solution is also key to everyday HR administration, management reporting and ensuring best practice. As an organisation which provides employers with HR advice and guidance, it is essential that we  work as efficiently and effectively as possible and that our own working practices stand up to scrutiny."