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Why the latest Companies House update will make you grateful you use Laserform

21/06/2017 minute read Gordon Wilson

On 30 June 2016 there are big changes to Companies House forms with the next implementation of the Small Business, Enterprise and Employment Act 2015. Here are 10 reasons why legislative updates are much easier with Laserform:

1.       Advance notice – Laserform keeps in close contact with Companies House and receives form changes before general release. We use this time to make the amendments, test and apply functionality, and inform our customers of the pending changes.

2.       Form design – Companies House forms include multiple continuation sheets that need extracting with a PDF tool or removing once printed. Laserform separates the continuation sheets so you can add them as required.

3.       Additional features – On top of our usual great form features, Laserform also has clever bundling functions. Users can add relevant parts and continuation sheets to the main form then save and print it as a single document.

4.       Information updates – We keep our customers up to date with the latest legislative changes and legal news via our website and twitter feed. Brush up your knowledge while Laserform sorts the forms.

5.       Time saving – Laserform is updating over 100 forms and adding around 75 new or replacement forms in the next Companies House update. Without a forms supplier there would be the daunting task keeping track of this yourself.

6.       Ease of transition – On 30 of June Companies House will publish the updated forms, for immediate use. Laserform will begin releasing the forms earlier so customers have the opportunity to familiarise with them.

7.       Automatic updates – If you’re using Laserform version 9.7 or above and have automatic updates set up, sit back and relax. Your forms will all update and when you next login you can start filling in forms, confident that you have the latest version.

8.       Support – Our support team are fully briefed on the Companies House form changes so if our customers have any questions our team are just a call away.

9.       Last minute changes – In such a substantial update Companies House may have to make last minute changes to the forms. Laserform are informed of, and quickly make these changes, whereas other users are left to keep checking the Government website to ensure their version is correct.

10.  Account Management – To discuss forms packages, speak to the account management team on 0844 815 5560.

At Laserform we take the stress out of form updates. We worry about legislative changes, information updates and the forms, so our customers don’t have to.