Complete Care Business Management Software

Managing the complexities for care home providers


Discover how the capabilities within Advanced Care Cloud provides the perfect combination for delivering quality care whilst running an efficient care home business.

Care homes - providing facilities where residents can live and receive support and care is such an important part of the UK's social care system. Care or support can be provided for a variety of needs and the list of considerations to be managed in a residential setting is vast.
No matter what size your care home is Advanced Care Cloud has got you covered. With all key information in one place, Advanced Care Cloud allows you to see and do what you need to, when you need to - no matter what your role is or wherever you are working from.
A unique software blend providing powerful oversight for key business performance and the necessary digital tools for those providing essential care and support. 
Flexible modern architecture that’s easy to use, designed alongside care providers, from smaller individual businesses to some of the UKs biggest organisations. 
Let Advanced Care Cloud support you to reduce admin, provide greater clarity, letting you focus on delivering more care.

Key capabilities

Intelligent Rota Planningadvanced_icon_ticks.svg

Time and Attendanceadvanced_icon_ticks.svg

Mobile Point of Care App including Assessmentsadvanced_icon_ticks.svg

Applicant & People Managementadvanced_icon_ticks.svg

Configurable Assessments, Care Plans and Formsadvanced_icon_ticks.svg

Occupancy Managementadvanced_icon_ticks.svg

Client on-boardingadvanced_icon_ticks.svg

Invoices, Pay, Mileage, Travel Time & Expensesadvanced_icon_ticks.svg

Quality & Complianceadvanced_icon_ticks.svg

Dashboards & Business Insightadvanced_icon_ticks.svg



Click to see the many areas within
Advanced Care Cloud that provide
the power to effectively manage
care and support organisations.

Discover more

Care Cloud Diagram - Total Visibility.jpg

Care Cloud - Total Visibility Diagram


More than just care business management software

Find out more about the powerful features that sit within Advanced Care Cloud

How Care Cloud can help you



Advanced Care Cloud resources to help you transform


Advanced Care Cloud

Get a first-hand look at how Advanced Care Cloud can benefit you and your organisation by downloading our brochure now.

Read Brochure


Advanced Care Cloud Security

This factsheet highlights all security features and functions of Advanced Care Cloud.

Read Factsheet


Advanced Care Trends Report 2023

This report highlights some of the most significant issues facing this industry, including changes in employee attraction and retention, training and career development, void management and referrals plus compliance and regulations.

Read Report

Read blog angle-right-solid.svg

23rd February 2023 by Health and Care, Advanced Public Sector

Read blog angle-right-solid.svg

5th January 2023 by Health and Care, Advanced Public Sector

Read blog angle-right-solid.svg

1st Febuary 2023, by Health and Care, Advanced Public Sector

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0330 343 8000