Care Management Software
We maximise resources and help domiciliary carers with efficient working practices and improved scheduling

Efficient care rostering system, with 20+ years experience working with care agencies
We enable efficient working practices and improved scheduling for care workers on the road. Our innovative technology allows domiciliary care providers to remove out-dated paper-based schedules and save time with flexible mobile access, maximising resources to help deliver the best care possible.
"Staffplan lets us strategically plan allocations of work to our care assistants. And since it is also capable of invoicing, payroll and management reports, it helps to underpin our business model."
Mark Sayers, Director, Bluebird Care
Key capabilities
Staff Rostering
Mobile Working
Time and Attendance
Staff Training Records
Referrals and Recruitment
Mobile Point of Care
Payroll and Expenses
Business Insight
We understand and solve your key issues
We build products which are designed to solve our customers key challenges.
- Over-reliance on paper
Timesheets and rotas produced and completed on paper, result in processes that are time-consuming for care workers and managers, whilst also being prone to error.
- Difficulty monitoring attendance
Monitoring attendance at appointments is vital to the delivery of appropriate care. Without real-time information, care organisations struggle to react to changes and cancellations, costing them time and money.
- Poor auditability
With the need to provide evidence for care quality regulatory bodies, current paper-based reporting capabilities are not agile and often do not provide a complete audit trail of activity.
- Manual payroll processes
Manual payroll processes result in poor visibility, lacking real-time information as well as validation of processes such as expense claims.
- Manual invoice processes
Manual invoice processes result in poor visibility, lacking real-time information.
More than just care management software
Find out more about the powerful features that sit within Staffplan
How Staffplan can help you
Rostering Management
Maximise what you can do with intelligent roster, rota and visit planning
Managing rosters, rotas and visit planning is made simple with Staffplan, freeing up your time by reducing the amount of time it takes but ensuring accuracy and compliance for your care organisation.
Intelligent wall-charts
The wall-charts functionality allows for easy creation, planning and management of staff rotas.
Expert availability search function.
Graphical colour-coded schedule and diary functionality maximises staff productivity and reduces planning time.
Inbuilt warning system to alert user to travel times, service user & care worker preferences etc.
Ability to schedule both contact and non-contact activities.
Intuitive tools
Wall-chart tool functionality enables users to manage rostering efficiently and reduce the time taken to complete complex tasks.
Maps tool - calculates travel time and allows auto generation of mileage expenses.
Auto Allocation tool - reduces costs and maintains care continuity.
Availability and capacity planning
Individual staff detail ensures Staffplan can schedule each visit accurately. From making sure the journeying is efficient through to showing staff shortfalls to proactively plan visits.
Schedule Availability wallchart helps identify regular staff shortfalls for a given day/time.
Diary availability wallchart helps identify staff shortfalls for a given date/time.
Availability search helps find staff within a number of miles/minutes from a person requiring support.
Availability can be narrowed to find staff based upon skills/training, service user preferences or team.
Employee Management
Look closer at the functionality that sits within Staffplan
Employees sit at the core of any organisation, let Staffplan helpfully manage those key items so you can have happy, productive staff.
Recruitment compliance
Staffplan enables management and monitoring of the recruitment process, from pending to fully accepted.
Easy to store recruitment documentation and track potential employees through the pipeline.
Manage shadowing and induction training activities through the Induction Recruitment Phase function.
Training Management
Staffplan records and manages the vital investment in to the training processes of your care staff.
Recording and management of non-mandatory training, including renewal support.
Recording and management of mandatory training, including renewal support.
Training events within employee rota, either via PDF or mobile app.
Warning alerts for training requirements linked to visit tasks.
Ongoing compliance
Staffplan records and plans all of the reviews necessary for employee welfare.
Record all your spot-checks, competency assessments and other reviews to support employee welfare.
Automatically plan follow-ups with auto-generate functionality.
Employee communications
Knowledge is key, stay connected with your staff with the information they need.
Receive communications from the office via SMS or iConnect mobile app alerts.
Easy to use list of care visits in our user friendly iConnect app.
Email reports and documentation.
Employee Journal supports recording of day to day activities and communications.
Client and Care Delivery
Focusing on the service user
The focal point of what care is all about, service users. Staffplan helps from initial referral to care delivery.
Client details and preferences
Features & Benefits
Record and manage client referrals.
Store specific service user preferences for care.
Client reviews and documentation
Features & Benefits
Record the occurrences of all of your initial assessments, care plans and other reviews.
Automatically plan follow-ups with auto-generate functionality.
Care delivery schedule
Features & Benefits
Easy to create, plan and manage client visits with easy to use schedule and diary functionality.
Schedule functionality allows for the regular planning of care and reduces duplication week on week.
Email/print a clients care schedule, providing full visibility of the care and support they will receive.
iConnect Time & Attendance
Electronic call monitoring
Our iConnect application lets you provide staff with real-time access to vital information whenever and wherever they need it. This provides your care organisation with better data, enabling more accurate invoicing and ensuring care is being provided when scheduled.
Information at your finger-tips
View real-time care rotas, including notifications of changes, such as cancellations, bookings or amendments.
View booking details: service user information, access instructions, comments, medical information and tasks.
The start and end time of care delivery can be monitored, including task management.
Relevant warnings about individual service users.
iConnect to Staffplan
Data supplied by iConnect to Staffplan enables minute by minute invoicing.
Data supplied by iConnect to Staffplan enables minute by minute payroll.
Care alerts (Alarms client)
Features & Benefits
Instant notifications to support the monitoring of when care visits start or finish early/late.
Tiered notifications staggered by arrival time.
Safety features for lone workers include alerts if a care worker doesn't arrive or leave as scheduled.
Time and attendance monitoring reports provide visibility of key performance indicators.
Accurate invoicing and payroll
There are many variables needed to be considered for financial calculations. Different funder types, staff contracts, changes in visit length, mileage calculations and more. Staffplan's rich functionality ensures accuracy and reduces the time taken to run your payroll and invoicing functions.
Features & Benefits
Supports a variety of funder and contract arrangements.
Safeguarded by a credit and recreate facility to allow for retrospective funding changes.
Invoice creation to allow printing and/or export to external finance systems.
Tariff scheme supports invoicing upon time of day, day type, visit length, contracts, service type and others.
Gross Pay Calculations
Supports a variety of pay arrangements.
Safeguarded by a credit and recreate facility to allow for retrospective changes to pay rates.
Tariff scheme supports payroll upon time of day, day type, visit length, contracts, service type and others.
Gross payslip creation to allow printing and/or export to external finance system.
Supports a variety of pay arrangements and expenses - including mileage expenses.
Automatic expense calculation for mileage.
Business Insight
Robust reporting suite provides visibility across all system areas
The ability to monitor regulatory compliance is vital to all care organisations, with Staffplan's vast array of standard reports together the flexibility to create your own, it makes the monitoring of care quality a simpler task.
Reporting and dashboards
Features & Benefits
Robust selection of standard reports system wide.
Report builder function allows for the design of bespoke reports using simple search options.
User defined export function allows for writing queries for more detailed bespoke reports.
Staffplan Data Gateway, our operational data store to simplify your reporting needs.
Interoperability is important to us.
We provide integrations between our own solutions as well as with a range of other care solution providers to ensure a connected care process.
Integrations with Staffplan
Integration options with Advanced financial management systems for seamless processing of invoice to payment.
Integration options with multiple monitoring software providers.
Care worker, service user and booking information into the Birdie Agency Hub and Birdie Carer App.
everyLIFE PASSsystem - providing supported and automated flow of data enabling improved delivery of safer care.
Who succeeds with us
From large national care organisations to individual care providers, our customer base has care at the core of their operations.

Welcoming you onboard

1 day
We get a better understanding of you and your organisation to drive your onboarding experience towards success.

1 week
We build a plan of action for your journey to go-live with due dates and owners.

1 month+
Working through the action plan with you, we execute the plan together and get you ready to begin using Staffplan.

Congraulations, you're live! This is where you can really experience the benefits to your care organisation, knowing that Advanced team is ready to help when you need us.
Resources that help you transform
Featured resources for you
Staffplan Factsheet
An overview of our domiciliary care solution providing greater insight in to the rich functionality of the system.
2021 Workforce Trends Survey Report
Examining the business productivity lessons learnt from Covid-19.
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Celebrating National Care Week
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Government announces plans to digitalise Social Care by 2024
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0330 343 8000