Software for Colleges

Our extensive experience with Further Education (FE) institutions means we know that retaining students and maximising their positive learning experience is vital. Having software that covers every aspect of academic life makes completing the day-to-day tasks simple and efficient. We have continued to grow our solutions through the acquisitions of bksb and Smart Apprentices to give you a full span of solutions like no other.



OVER 300

The Learner Journey


Understanding your key issues - and solving them

Find out more about the powerful functionality that sits within our Field Service Management solutions

Need access to key data

Accurate data is vital to review key performance indicators (financial/educational) in order to assess the current situation and predict future performance.

Maintain compliance

It can be a struggle to maintain a high-quality level of statutory compliance to generate funding and avoid penalties, including examination data and submission, ILR and Ofsted readiness.

Reporting on data accurately

Developing accurate reports and supplying management information (from multiple systems) to stakeholders across the institution such as Head of Faculty, teaching staff, IT and Finance.

Ofsted readiness

It is vital to be ready for an Ofsted inspection and have data on hand to demonstrate progress.

Ability to engage effectively

Educational organisations must be able to engage effectively with learners, staff and employers. It is important that your technology helps to facilitate and improve engagement.

Monitoring learning

In order to drive academic improvement, there is a need to be able to monitor and develop the quality and effectiveness of teaching and learning throughout the college.

"I would recommend ProSolution, it is simple, powerful and has a huge impact on the efficiency of our organisation."

Fiona Morey, Deputy Principal

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“We have used bksb for many years as it supports our whole organisational approach to English and Maths and it helped us achieve ‘outstanding’ in our last Ofsted inspection."

Carl Pagen, English and Mathematics Manager

Read case study

“Smart Apprentices helped us save over £60,000 a year in travel costs alone - and ensured that we signed up 100% of apprentices throughout the pandemic.”

Katharine Mathison, Director of Enterprise and Business Innovation

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  • Buckinghamshire College Group
  • Blackpool and Flyde College
  • Borders College

News & Opinions

// 02-07-2024

GCSE resits: What do learners need to succeed?

by OneAdvanced PR, Author

GCSE resits: What do learners need to succeed?

Advanced's Picks