Training Provider

We understand that many training providers are beginning to look to technology to help them to deliver successful and compliant apprenticeship programmes, whilst also improving efficiencies and easing the management of learners and their data. This is especially important during a time where the Training Provider market is experiencing an exciting period of growth. It’s therefore vital when choosing a new technology provider, that it’s a company you can trust.



Understanding your key issues - and solving them

Inefficient data recording

Struggle with multiple spreadsheets that underpin business critical decision making. This leads to the training provider being disorganised and wasting valuable time searching for key information.

Difficulties accessing funding

Need to easily submit claims to relevant awarding and funding bodies; especially important to those new to the Register of Apprenticeship Training Providers (RoATP)

Real time data struggles

Struggle to present real time data back to the senior leadership team. Senior leaders want to be able to instantly find out key aspects about the apprenticeship program and see reports so that they can spot common trends.

Apprenticeship Levy

Large companies are making the most of the levy and providing internal training (employer providers), smaller companies aren’t utilising the levy. PTPs need to encourage companies to spend their levy with them.

Lack of remote learning access

Struggle to find high quality online learning resources to help apprenticeship students learn key functional and digital skills that they may need throughout their apprenticeship course.

Lack of Ofsted readiness

Learner tracking is not as effective as it should be. Need a way to demonstrate how each learner is doing in their course and where they need to improve, ready to display to Ofsted when they come for an inspection.

Company case study

Watch a case study on how SPS Training Solutions integrated ProSuite from Advanced

“We would not be here without ProSolution”

- Ben Wyse

Director of Funding,
SPS Training Solutions


“Everyone loves Smart Apprentices. It’s a highly versatile platform from a trusted partner which is key to our business & growth.’’

Rosie Heron, Group Head of Quality

Read case study

“When we were looking to change our previous system, Smart Apprentices was an obvious choice to be a part of that process. We looked a few other solutions but theirs was the best.”

Jenny Harman, Director of Education and Talent

Read case study

"Students in my class can have a varied skill set and experience. I have found bksbLIVE 2 to be effective as it adapts the course to meet the learners needs."

Gary McLaughlin, Training Director

Read case study
  • GTG Training
  • GK Apprenticeships
  • SKA International Group

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AI in Education: The robots are taking over - and we should probably le…

by OneAdvanced PR, Author

AI in Education: The robots are taking over - and we should probably let them

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