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The Happiness Advantage

by Shawn Anchor

Recommended by Rob Davies, Managed Services and Digital Transformation

This book is a must-read for everyone trying to excel in a world of increasing workloads, stress, and negativity. Drawing on original research - including one of the largest studies of happiness ever conducted - and work in boardrooms and classrooms across forty-two countries, Shawn Achor shows us how to rewire our brains for positivity and optimism to reap the happiness advantage in our lives, our careers, and even our health.

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Managed Services and Digital Transformation


Rob Davies is an experienced business and technology leader who has helped organisations of all sizes drive digital transformation and achieve their goals. As an IT Leader, he understands the importance of staying up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies, and these are the books that he recommends to other IT Leaders who are looking to stay ahead of the curve.



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Other books available this quarter


The Five Dysfunctions of a Team by Patrick Lencioni

'If you get all the people in an organisation rowing in the same direction, you could dominate any industry, in any market, against any competition, at any time'. In his book, The Five Dysfunctions of a Team, Patrick Lencioni examines why effective teams are so rare and provides specific recommendations for eliminating barriers that lead to dysfunctional teams.

— Recommended by James Green, Managing Director, IT Services

5 Disfunctions

Leading Change by John P. Kotter

Kotter's now-legendary eight-step process for managing change with positive results has become the foundation for leaders and organisations across the globe. By outlining the process every organisation must go through to achieve its goals, and by identifying where and how even top performers derail during the change process, Kotter provides a practical resource for leaders and managers charged with making change initiatives work.

— Recommended by Rael Winters, Professional Services Director

Leading Change

Coming soon

Getting to Nimble

by Peter A. High

Getting to Nimble shares the stories of organizations that were able to successfully transform their people practices, processes, technology, ecosystems and strategy for the digital era. The book also covers once dominant companies like Circuit City and Kodak that neglected to change and were impaired or died as a result.

Coming soon!

The Digital Transformation Playbook

by David L. Rogers

The Digital Transformation Playbook shows how pre-digital-era companies can reinvigorate their game plans and capture the new opportunities of the digital world. Rogers shows why traditional businesses need to rethink their underlying assumptions in five domains of strategy-customers, competition, data, innovation, and value.

Coming soon!

Remote Work Revolution

by Tsedal Neeley

Remote Work Revolution answers the eight questions Tsedal Neeley gets asked the most about overcoming hybrid and remote work challenges, such as: How can I trust colleagues I barely see? How should I use digital tools in remote work? What do I need to know about leading virtually?

Coming soon!



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