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Five signs your firm needs to upgrade their case management system

14/03/2023 minute read OneAdvanced PR

The principles of efficiency and organisation when it comes to managing cases for your client are paramount when it comes to providing client satisfaction, profit maximisation, and a harmonious workplace environment.

The right case management system software can help your firm stay on top of deadlines, streamline workflows, and provide better client service. But how do you know when it's time to upgrade your current system? Here are five signs that you should look out for that will tell you that you may need to upgrade to a more sophisticated case management system:

  1. The ‘bells and whistles’ your CMS once had are now old hat

Some case management systems, particularly if they are not upgraded for a considerable amount of time, can feel outdated and some features which are deemed essential in many practices may not even be on your system.

A modern system can provide features such as automated document generation, integrated billing, and online document sharing, all of which can save your firm time and money while improving client service.

  1. You’re worrying about whether your matter data is secure

Data security is critical for any company, particularly one as regulated as the legal space.

You may have been told about encryption, multi-factor authentication, secure document sharing and other such security features as good practice for ensuring data security across your business. If you are finding that these aren’t common with your case management, it is paramount to explore more secure options to guard against cyber attacks and also to remain compliant.

  1. You're struggling to keep up with deadlines

Missing deadlines can be disastrous for any law firm, and if you're struggling to keep up with them, it's time for an upgrade. A modern case management system software can provide automated deadline tracking and reminders, making it easier for your firm to stay on top of important dates.

  1. You're wasting time on manual processes

Manual processes like data entry, document filing, and billing can eat up valuable time that could be spent on more important tasks. A modern case management system software can automate many of these processes, freeing up your team's time to focus on more critical work.

  1. Your client service is suffering

Finally, if your current case management system software is making it difficult to provide top-notch client service, it's time to upgrade. This can include access to integrations with third-parties that makes life easier for you to offer best-in-service processes to your cases and a premier service to your clients.

A modern system can provide online portals for clients to access case information, real-time updates, and automated communication tools to keep clients informed and satisfied.

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