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Navigating the complexity of cloud adoption: a guide for businesses

09/11/2023 minute read OneAdvanced PR

In the words of our Chief Product Officer, Amanda Grant, “Cloud adoption delivers operational improvements, better access to more useful and powerful data, and higher levels of data security.” With 39% of UK businesses fully transitioned to Cloud-based applications and many amidst the transition phase, it is safe to say that most industry professionals concur with her, recognising the promising future of cloud-based software solutions.

In the digital age in which we live today, the adoption of cloud-based software solutions is essential. Nevertheless, we must recognise that this journey is far from straightforward. It involves multifaceted considerations and demands a strategic approach to ensure a seamless transition. In this blog, we will delve into the intricacies of cloud adoption, the challenges it presents, and the strategies that will empower your business to successfully navigate this digital transformation.

Understanding the complexities of cloud adoption

Cloud adoption goes beyond the mere migration of data and applications to remote servers. It involves a series of pivotal decisions tailored to your specific business needs. Below, we outline key considerations that businesses must address before embarking on this transformative journey.

Data security and compliance

Data security holds immense significance for all organisations. Although cloud providers typically implement strong security measures, it is imperative for businesses to exercise due diligence and evaluate the alignment of the cloud provider's security protocols with their specific compliance needs. Data breaches and regulatory infringements pose substantial risks to businesses, making it essential to maintain uncompromising data security measures.


While the cloud undoubtedly provides cost-efficiency and promises long-term savings, the initial implementation requires meticulous planning. Organisations should assess their cloud spending considering the company's current economic situation and strategic objectives. They must also familiarise themselves with pricing models and devise resource allocation optimisation strategies while monitoring usage to effectively manage costs.

Data migration

Displacing existing data and applications to cloud is a complex process. Businesses must develop a comprehensive plan that outlines what data and applications to migrate and when. Also, the migrations need to be seamless and non-disruptive to the business's daily operations, ensuring minimal to zero downtime.

Legacy systems and migration

Many well-established organisations find themselves bound by legacy systems that cannot be readily replaced. Unfortunately, these legacy systems often lack compatibility with the latest technologies. Organisations must strategize to ensure the harmonious coexistence of legacy systems and cloud-based solutions. Achieving a smooth integration between these systems and new cloud services presents a multifaceted challenge.

Cultural shift

The transition to the cloud will inevitably usher in a transformation in the organisational work culture. This shift could be met with enthusiasm or resistance from employees. A well-devised plan is imperative to navigate these changes and facilitate a smooth adaptation to evolving technology. Employees must acclimate to new tools and workflows, necessitating comprehensive training and support.

Overcoming the challenges of cloud adoption

The challenges mentioned earlier may appear intimidating, but they should not deter you. The long-term advantages of adopting cloud technology are too significant to overlook. A strategic approach is must to conquer these hurdles. To begin, you need a well-defined objective and goal to steer your cloud strategy. With numerous cloud service models and an array of cloud providers to choose from, it is crucial for organisations to meticulously assess which aligns best with their needs.

Prior to cloud migration, a comprehensive evaluation of your organisation's data is necessary. Equally vital is the creation of a plan to prepare and train employees for the impending changes.

In the Trends Report, Amanda further recommends considering collaboration with an experienced provider who can serve as your strategic guide through these complexities. Such a partner can assist in setting clear objectives, assessing your digital estate, devising a migration strategy, implementing deployment and more.

It's essential to understand that there's no one-size-fits-all solution, and careful consideration is needed to determine what's best for your organisation. Our Annual Trends Report features a survey that provides statistics on the current state of cloud adoption across various businesses and industries. These insights shed light on the current situation in the UK market and enable you to assess your business's position. You can access and download your copy of the Trends Report now.