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Performance Management: What Is the Connection Between Performance and Self-Esteem?

11/01/2019 minute read OneAdvanced PR

The rela­tion­ship between self-esteem and per­for­mance begins ear­ly — as ear­ly as pri­ma­ry school. Stud­ies have shown that high lev­els of self-esteem are a strong indi­ca­tor and pre­dic­tor of aca­d­e­m­ic achieve­ment in stu­dents. This is a trend that con­tin­ues through­out our adult lives, with anoth­er study con­firm­ing a clear pos­i­tive rela­tion­ship between self-esteem and job per­for­mance. Of course, this rela­tion­ship works both ways. Con­fi­dence in your abil­i­ties can improve your job per­for­mance and, by the same token, job suc­cess can seri­ous­ly boost con­fi­dence lev­els.

The gen­er­al rule of thumb appears to be that we ​don’t usu­al­ly per­form beyond the lim­its of the way we see our­selves, what­ev­er those lim­its may be”. Josh Bersin has recent­ly sug­gest­ed that as well as being cor­po­rate enter­pris­es, com­pa­nies should do their part to become social enter­pris­es and encour­age healthy men­tal well­be­ing. By tak­ing the time in your one-on-one coach­ing con­ver­sa­tions to pri­ori­tise issues relat­ing to self-esteem and con­fi­dence, com­pa­nies will begin to expe­ri­ence the benefits.

More Con­fi­dent Employ­ees Take Part in Team Activities

Every busi­ness wants to encour­age team­work and col­lab­o­ra­tion between employ­ees. How­ev­er, not every employ­ee will feel con­fi­dent and able when it comes to mak­ing their voice heard when they are in a group. Employ­ees with healthy lev­els of self-esteem will val­ue their own opin­ion and feel more empow­ered about speak­ing up and con­tribut­ing in team activ­i­ties. This could result in more cre­ative and var­ied solu­tions to busi­ness prob­lems, as well as pro­mote more of an inclu­sive, tight-knit environment.

If you feel your employ­ees are capa­ble, but hold­ing back due to self-esteem issues, you could begin by encour­ag­ing more reg­u­lar use of per­for­mance man­age­ment soft­ware. Such soft­ware allows the exchange of real-time feed­back, and it has been shown that soft­ware is help­ing employ­ees speak up at work, as such plat­forms pro­vide an infor­mal ​safe space”. 

Embold­ened Employ­ees Take Chances and Are More Creative

Life coach Rebekah Fen­some believes con­fi­dence in your pro­fes­sion­al life is key to cul­ti­vat­ing a suc­cess­ful career. When you have more self-esteem and belief in your abil­i­ties, you are more will­ing to take cal­cu­lat­ed risks, more will­ing to learn, and more like­ly to use your strengths to explore dif­fer­ent avenues. Con­fi­dence breeds self-assured, exper­i­men­tal employ­ees, which are huge­ly ben­e­fi­cial to com­pa­nies who are eager to grow and develop.

Con­fi­dent Employ­ees Waste Less Time

An employ­ee who lacks con­fi­dence will inevitably need more reas­sur­ance than one who feels more capa­ble. They will approach their man­agers fre­quent­ly with ques­tions on how to pro­ceed, which isn’t in itself a prob­lem — after all, it is impor­tant that man­agers are there to pro­vide feed­back when need­ed. How­ev­er, if employ­ees feel empow­ered to press ahead with­out sec­ond-guess­ing them­selves, they will get more done in a short­er amount of time. They will sim­ply get on with what needs to be done. This will save a com­pa­ny hun­dreds of hours and help the busi­ness’ bot­tom line.

Employ­ees with More Self-Esteem Require Less Management

You have like­ly read about the dan­gers of micro­man­age­ment. In fact, it’s recent­ly been revealed that Tes­la CEO Elon Musk reg­u­lar­ly wastes time and mon­ey due to his con­stant micro­man­age­ment. You might not want to micro­man­age your employ­ees, but if you believe an employ­ee is crip­pled with a lack of con­fi­dence, you might feel you need to hov­er to a cer­tain degree until they feel they have found their foot­ing. How­ev­er, as men­tioned above, con­fi­dent employ­ees are more engaged, more autonomous and more self-reliant. This means that employ­ees are not only more effi­cient, but man­age­ment time is also freed up to focus on more press­ing matters.

The Solu­tion: Give Pos­i­tive Feed­back in Per­for­mance Coach­ing Conversations

It is not sim­ply enough to tell an employ­ee to work on their con­fi­dence lev­els. While the devel­op­ment of self-esteem is, in part, employ­ee respon­si­bil­i­ty, it is also a man­age­ment and HR con­cern that should be tak­en seri­ous­ly. Employ­ees can only tru­ly be con­fi­dent in the right envi­ron­ment, and this is some­thing in your pow­er to cultivate.

Dur­ing your reg­u­lar per­for­mance coach­ing con­ver­sa­tions, take the time to give detailed feed­back and focus on strengths. Recog­ni­tion and reward are impor­tant for self-esteem, so take the time to make men­tion of any recent mile­stones, achieve­ments and efforts. On top of this, let it be known that you val­ue your employ­ees’ opin­ions. Ask them for their opin­ions on cur­rent process­es or what can be done to improve life at work. When employ­ees know their insights are want­ed and appre­ci­at­ed, and when they see their sug­ges­tions being put into effect, it can do great things for over­all morale, engage­ment and con­fi­dence levels.

To find out how Advanced Clear Review can help your com­pa­ny intro­duce agile per­for­mance man­age­ment to boost over­all employ­ee engage­ment, get in touch today or book a per­for­mance man­age­ment soft­ware demo.