Resource Scheduling Software

Resource Scheduling enables you to schedule field-based work in real-time to optimise your resources as the working day evolves.

dynamic resource scheduling software in use


Solution to optimise efficiency and delight customers

Resource Scheduling allows you to seamlessly integrate appointed, planned and responsive, last-minute work across your field-based workforce. Allowing your team to meet all commitments, deliver excellent customer service, reduce travel time and costs, and ensure more tasks are completed in a single day.

“Our Customer Support department used to use completely different diaries. Now we can see all the diary slots dynamically, we can see the full customer journey, and we’ve always got the full picture.”

Lesley Doran, Head of Office Functions, Riverside

Key capabilities

Dynamic Schedulingadvanced_icon_ticks.svg

Intelligent Appointmentsadvanced_icon_ticks.svg

Task Automationadvanced_icon_ticks.svg

Route Optimisationadvanced_icon_ticks.svg

Real-Time Managementadvanced_icon_ticks.svg

Performance Trackingadvanced_icon_ticks.svg

Resource Optimisationadvanced_icon_ticks.svg

Text Messagingadvanced_icon_ticks.svg

We understand and solve your key issues

We build products which are designed to solve our customers key challenges.

  • Work Allocation

    Rather than allocating the best person to complete a job, some organisations allocate jobs based purely on availability. This increases time per task and reduces productivity.


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  • Travel Time

    Organisations need to reduce the length and duration of employees’ travel between field-based jobs in order to reduce costs and increase the number of jobs that can be completed each day.


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  • Appointments Not Being Kept

    A customer forgetting an appointment and not being at home prevents field workers from carrying out the work allocated to them. This is costly and impacts productivity.


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  • Managing Change

    Lack of visibility of field workers prevents organisations from making real-time updates to their work schedules to accommodate unforeseen changes such as jobs over-running or workers stuck in traffic.


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  • Manual Scheduling

    Planners who complete schedules manually can spend hours analysing and testing different variations of work, creating inefficiency.


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More than just
Scheduling Software

Find out more about the powerful features that sit within our Dynamic Scheduling Software

How our Dynamic Resource Schedulercan help you



Who succeeds with us

More than 150 customers from various markets.

fife council logo
riverside logo
vivid housing logo
north lanarkshire logo
sandwell met borough logo




“We have multiple ways of working, and DRS gives us the flexibility we need to plan work effectively.”


Calum Morrison, Head of O & M Business Systems

Anesco Solar Farm


“If we didn’t have the DRS system, we wouldn’t have been able to function as an organisation through Covid. We managed to get our planners and call centre staff working from home.”

Kenny Shand, Project Manager for Assets, Transportation and Environment
Fife Council

fife council




“It has provided us with a clear and concise method of scheduling, with additional notifications to reduce the number of manually assigned tasks."

Ruth Allan, Resource Planner

vivid housing image


Welcoming you onboard



Starting your journey

1 day

Starting your journey

We'll make sure your use of Dynamic Resource Scheduler is a success from day one as a customer. While we treat each customer individually, our standards and attention to detail remain the same. This is what your journey will look like once you've signed up...

Understanding your challenges

1 week

Understanding your challenges

Once you have signed up with us you will have an introduction call with your new Customer Success Manager who will explain who they are, how they can help, and they will get a better understanding of you and your business to they can help drive your onboarding programme to be a success.

Planning your journey

2 months

Planning your journey

Alongside your Customer Success Manager, our Project Delivery team will build a plan of action for your journey to go-live with due dates and owners to ensure we are prepared to succeed.

On the road to go live


On the road to go live

Working through the action plan, we execute the plan with you and get you ready to where you need to be to adopt Dynamic Resource Scheduler.

Delivery up and running

Delivery and up and running

We get you live on the product and make sure we are on hand for any help you might need.

Our implementation packages are designed to fit your individual needs as a customer.

Frequently asked questions

  • How will Dynamic Resource Scheduling software benefit my business?

    Implementing our Dynamic Resource Scheduler (DRS) allows you to seamlessly blend appointed, planned and responsive, last-minute work across your field-based workforce. Dynamic Resource Scheduling allows a real-time view of your field operatives and their job status, helping you to stay on track. A truly dynamic scheduler like DRS offers the most cost-effective and suitable time for a job which is complemented by route optimisation to help reduce no-access rates and missed appointments.

  • How will Dynamic Resource Scheduling software assist in managing my field-based operation?

    Dynamic Resource Scheduler allows you to define your human resources by different dimensions - such as skills, accreditations and languages spoken – and classify non-human resources, such as vehicles, materials and special equipment. It automatically aligns the most appropriate resource to the right task using your organisation’s defined rules, helping to improve first-time-fix rates, customer service and productivity. Dynamic Resource Scheduler helps you to understand every dimension of your operation through real-time reporting. This includes how you are measuring up to key performance indicators, how changes in appointment setting, customer demand and geographic elements are affecting performance and delivering actionable insight.


  • Who is Dynamic Resource Scheduling software for?

    Dynamic Resource Scheduler is for organisations who have a mobile workforce and operate in housing, local and central government, social care, retail, utilities and many more.

  • How will Dynamic Resource Scheduling software improve field team productivity?

    Dynamic Resource Scheduler holds information about your human resource, such as skills, accreditations, languages spoken etc.It also stores information about non-human resources such as vehicles, equipment and geography. This allows DRS to allocate the most appropriate resource to the right task, enabling an average increase in worker productivity of 25 per cent.
    DRS enables you to track performance against job type and worker. By drilling down into every job or task, managers can spot trends in changing demands to better match workforce to workload.

  • What key features are included in Dynamic Resource Scheduling?

    1. Define your work and your resources to ensure that every permutation of work allocation is taken into account when scheduling tasks.
    2.  Optimise appointments at the first point of contact – for your organisation and your customers.
    3.  Gain real-time visibility of progress against the scheduled work and ensure that emerging day challenges are all taken in your stride.
    4.  Respond by dynamically scheduling work based on operative availability, location, skills and other factors.
    5.  Understand every dimension of your operation through real-time reporting. How you are measuring up to key performance indicators and how changes in appointment setting, customer demand and geographic elements are affecting performance. Dynamic Resource Scheduling delivers actionable insight. 


Field Service resources that help you transform

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Retaining customer orientated service


A better way for housing organisations to manage a field-based workforce.

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The correlation between increased customer satisfaction and implementation of greener working practice requires implementation of intelligent digital field service management software for successful outcomes.

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1 Oct 2021 by Nathan Ollier, Vice President, Public Sector and Field Service

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Field service management must take the lead in solving this problem for itself, not only by poaching skills from the construction industry, but by attracting, engaging with, and retaining skilled talent for themselves.

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30 Nov 2021 by Nathan Ollier, Vice President, Public Sector and Field Service


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