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IT Outsourcing: a prescription for efficiency in healthcare organisations

06/09/2023 minute read OneAdvanced PR

The healthcare industry is under immense pressure to deliver quality patient care while simultaneously reducing costs. Healthcare organisations need to find new and effective ways to increase efficiency and productivity. In this blog, we’ll discuss some of the key ways this can be achieved through technology, and explore how outsourcing IT to a Managed Service Provider (MSP) can help healthcare organisations become more efficient.

Cloud technology

Cloud technology plays a pivotal role in increasing efficiency within healthcare organisations. It enables healthcare providers to streamline operations by storing patient records and other critical data in a centralised, easily accessible location. This not only reduces the need for physical storage, but also facilitates faster, more efficient data retrieval and sharing amongst healthcare professionals, ultimately leading to improved patient care. Additionally, cloud technology can provide robust data analytics capabilities that can help healthcare organisations gain valuable insights to optimise operations and make data-driven decisions.

Managed Service Providers (MSPs) have the extensive experience needed to ensure a successful migration to the cloud. They can assess an organisation's current IT infrastructure, identify suitable cloud solutions, and develop a tailored migration plan. MSPs also provide ongoing support and maintenance to ensure the cloud systems operate smoothly post-migration. They can secure the environment, manage any technical issues that arise, provide necessary training to staff, and offer strategic advice to utilise the cloud technology to its fullest potential.

AI and automation

Artificial Intelligence (AI) can significantly increase efficiency in healthcare organisations. It can automate routine tasks, assist in diagnosis, predict patient outcomes, and even contribute to personalised treatment plans. In practical terms, this could mean automating administrative tasks like scheduling and billing, freeing healthcare professionals to devote more time to patient care. Additionally, AI algorithms can analyse large amounts of data to predict health trends, identify high-risk patients, and even suggest treatment plans.

Managed Service Providers (MSPs) have the expertise to identify the right AI tools that fits the organisation's needs and strategic objectives. MSPs can manage the process of integrating AI into existing IT infrastructure, ensuring that it works seamlessly with other systems and processes. They also offer training to staff, ensuring they are proficient with these new technologies and can leverage them to their full potential.

Effective 24/7 support

In the healthcare sector, system availability and uptime are crucial due to the life-saving nature of the services provided. A single moment of downtime can result in delays in patient care, potential safety concerns, and ultimately, it could be a matter of life and death.

MSPs offer round-the-clock monitoring of IT systems, recognising and rectifying problems immediately before they escalate into significant issues that could lead to system downtime. With a team of IT experts ready to act at a moment's notice, any technical glitches can be swiftly addressed, ensuring seamless operations and uninterrupted patient care.

MSPs can regularly update and patch systems, manage data backups, conduct routine security checks, and ensure system performance is optimised. They can also provide on-call assistance to healthcare staff, addressing any IT-related queries or issues they might face. This immediate access to expert advice can help the staff efficiently resolve any immediate IT challenges they encounter, allowing them to focus more on patient care.

Modern Workplace solutions

Modern workplace solutions like remote access and collaboration tools can significantly boost efficiency in healthcare organisations. Remote access solutions enable healthcare professionals to access patient data and systems from anywhere, providing them the flexibility to work remotely and deliver care even when they are offsite. This mobility can lead to more timely and effective patient care, increasing overall efficiency.

Collaboration tools, on the other hand, can enhance teamwork among healthcare professionals. These tools provide a platform for real-time communication and collaboration, facilitating the sharing of patient information, brainstorming of treatment plans, and coordination of patient care among multidisciplinary teams. By reducing delays and miscommunications, these tools can streamline workflows and increase the efficiency of care delivery.

Managed Service Providers (MSPs) play a key role in integrating these modern workplace solutions into healthcare organisations. They can identify the most suitable remote access and collaboration tools based on the organisation's specific needs and workflows. After deploying these tools, MSPs provide training to staff to ensure they can effectively use them. Furthermore, MSPs provide ongoing support, including troubleshooting and upgrades, to ensure these tools continue to function optimally and securely.

Service Integration

Service integration ensures seamless and efficient operations by enabling different IT services to work together harmoniously. This integration eliminates silos, fosters better communication, and establishes a unified approach towards achieving organisational goals.

In the complex and dynamic healthcare industry, service integration can aid in streamlining workflows, improving data exchange, reducing redundancies, and accelerating decision-making processes. It can lead to improved patient outcomes by ensuring timely access to critical health information, facilitating coordinated care, and enhancing the overall patient experience.

Managed Service Providers (MSPs) can act as service integrators, aligning with the Service Integration and Management (SIAM) framework to increase efficiency. The SIAM framework provides an approach to managing multiple suppliers of business services and integrating them to provide a single, unified business-facing IT organisation.

As service integrators, MSPs can take complete ownership of managing the various IT service providers, ensuring all services are aligned with the healthcare organisation's objectives. They coordinate the delivery of services, manage risks and issues related to cross-functional services, and drive process improvements. With their broad knowledge of IT and cloud technologies, MSPs can identify opportunities for integration that can lead to improved efficiency and effectiveness.

They ensure effective communication between all parties, facilitating collaboration and a shared understanding of organisational goals. Their role extends to monitoring and managing the performance of all service providers, ensuring that they meet their service level agreements.

Next steps

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