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Powering the World 
of Education

Data-driven solutions to empower your organisation

Open your mind to a world of software possibilities and empower your team to deliver the highest quality education and training to your students!

With OneAdvanced, you can enjoy a fully connected suite of education software solutions all working together to deliver you the best quality outcome!

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A class-leading suite of edtech solutions in the palm of your hand

OneAdvanced has brought together some of the most recognised industry leaders in education software all under one roof, to create a connected suite of Education products that provide seamless end-to-end service. 

Whether you're a College, University, Apprenticeship or Private Training Provider - OneAdvanced has a suite of software solutions to empower your staff and allow your learners to not just imagine, but unleash their potential.

Why OneAdvanced?

What makes up the OneAdvanced education suite?

Although our range of solutions are class-leading, you may only be aware of a portion of what OneAdvanced can offer. Below you'll learn of the sheer depth of our products, and discover why we are truly end-to-end with our offerings.


Our class-leading Assessment and Learning platform

  • Functional Skills
    • Includes an intelligent online assessment that accurately identifies a learner’s current working level for English and maths.
    • Our Diagnostic Assessments, designed to be taken after the Initial Assessment, provides an accurate benchmark for trackable identifiers.
    • After initial and diagnostic assessments, learners are sign-posted to their individual learning plan resources, to work on skill gaps.
    • Progress Checks evaluates a learner’s end of module advancement, the results link to the learner’s learning plan and reports.
    • We offer exam style practice questions to work through, accessible via the prepare section of the Functional Skills Reform course.

    *NEW* Find out more about our 
    Digital Functional Skills course.

  • Digital Skills
    • Our course teaches learners how to use all the latest devices and useful applications, in a rapidly-changing digital landscape.
    • Our course teaches the creation of key documents such as word documents, powerpoints, excel spreadsheets and more.
    • Effective communication online is growing in importance year on year so it is crucial that learners can do this with ease.
    • Shopping is now primarily done online especially in business. This course shows users online purchasing safely and easily.
    • Online safety is vital to protecting personal information. This course will educate learners about the importance of online safety.
  • GCSE
    • Our GCSE solution for maths features a Diagnostic Assessment, Learning Resources and Progress Checks to evidence progression.
    • Our English Language course is structured to the official exam style, explaining what skills are needed, demonstrating how to apply them, and providing exam-style questions.
    • The bksb GCSE English Literature course provides a comprehensive review of popular texts. Tailored towards AQA, yet meeting the needs of students using any exam board.
    • Shopping is now primarily done online especially in business. This course shows users online purchasing safely and easily.
    • Online safety is vital to protecting personal information. This course will educate learners about the importance of online safety.

Smart Assessor

Our ePortfolio and learner monitoring suite for Apprenticeship Standards.

  • The Learner
    • Our interactive learner homepage provides learners with a clear view of all their important course data.
    • Our Learning Plan encompasses everything the learner has completed or is due to complete throughout their learning journey.
    • Better understand learners' skill levels by entering historical exam data, and exempt them from taking previously achieved KSBs.
    • Providing constructive feedback to apprentices is crucial to a learner-centric delivery model. Smart Annotation makes giving feedback easy.
  • The Provider
    • Create high quality bespoke courses with our course building features including learner plans, episodes of learning & review planning.
    • Use the Smart Assessor e-form feature to view which paperwork is outstanding for any learner and what information they're missing.
    • RAG ratings are included as standard, showing if a learner is behind (red), on course (amber), or ahead (green).
    • Our dashboarding functionality allows staff to have a clear view of key data they require within their role - be that tutors, managers, or the Senior Leadership Team.
    • Smart Assessor allows you to grant access to the system for employers so they can see the real-time progress of their apprentices.
  • Funding & Reporting
    • Our powerful reporting capabilities allow you to produce reports around every aspect of an apprenticeship, to spot learner data trends.
    • View your course data in real time for all of the key information you require, up to date when you need it, accessible on or offline.
    • Build progress reports around key learner data such as engagement, OTJ tracking, KSB progress, academic achievement and more.
    • Smart Assessor will enable managers to prepare for external audits with our Management Dashboard, full of compliance data reports.


The market-leading Learner Management Software for apprenticeship providers

  • ILR
    • Whatever the size of your organisation, PICS allows you to maximise operational efficiency and take the stress out of ILR submission.
    • Say goodbye to multiple spreadsheets, because the learner record sits at the heart of PICS as the central location for all learner data.
    • Our validation and risk tools help you stay on top of your data throughout the learner journey, and helps to reduce learner attrition.
    • Manage submission with ease using our inbuilt ILR exporter. All relevant ILR data for your learners will be included in the file, compatible with ESFA submission specs.
  • Applicant Management
    • Our Applicant Management helps you to provide a responsive service to prospective learners from initial contact to signup.
    • Streamline your onboarding workflow with online forms and paperless data capture, removing applicant engagement barriers.
    • Use our custom applicant statuses and workflows tools to build an enrolment pipeline that best suits your organisation’s needs.
    • With data capture for financial details, courses, programmes and more, PICS Applicant Management minimises unnecessary data entry when creating a new learner from an applicant.
  • Employer Engagement
    • PICS provides a robust employer engagement pipeline, supporting sales team to onboard new business for your organisations.
    • Record new leads and current employers with PICS Organisation Management. Org data is connected to learner, applicant, and vacancy data, for a smooth engagement pipeline.
    • Help your apprentices get the best placements with our vacancy matching process. PICS vacancies work with opportunity records to help you make the most of any leads.
    • Move to a paperless workflow - Commitment statements, health and safety paperwork and more can all be gathered online with support for digital signature capture.


A suite of solutions designed to help you manage every key aspect of the learner journey with ease.

  • Management Information System
    • ProSolution is our easy-to-use Management Information System (MIS) for colleges and training providers.
    • Our mobile registers module is designed to help tutors with registration and increase accuracy and timeliness of attendance data.
    • Enable your college to take control of the enrolment process with remote enquiries, applications and enrolments.
    • Our Teams Template Builder allows you to generate Teams templates through ProSolution using data sources which are then processed and created within MS Teams.
    • The reporting features built into ProSolution provide simple methods for turning generic data into meaningful information.
  • Learner Monitoring System
    • ProMonitor is our integrated learner monitoring, support and mark book solution, ideal for colleges and training providers.
    • Enter marks for units, assessments and tasks for academic or vocational qualifications using the Markbook module.
    • ProMonitor holds a centralised collection of key learner details which allows for the creation of tailored individual learner plans.
    • ProPortal is designed to extend the use of ProMonitor to a range of users who need to see the information or, in the case of students, they can edit their individual learner plan online.
  • ILR Data Analyser
    • Our market-leading ProAchieve solution is suitable for FE organisations and training providers.
    • Over 95 per cent of FE colleges in England use ProAchieve for analysing learner achievement, retention and pass rates.
    • Our reporting functionality allows you to easily create learner, enrolment, retention, achievement and pass rate reports.
    • Ensure compliance, generate funding and avoid penalisation with our accurate, timely ILR and exam submissions.
    • ProAchieve can be used to turn your ILRs into valuable information for your organisation. By replicating a variety of ESFA and OFSTED reports, you can see clearly how well your college is performing across year groups.
  • Customer Relationship Manager
    • ProEngage is a CRM, designed for Further Education colleges and training providers.
    • The CRM allows your staff to record and analyse organisational data such as: sales, key personnel, and roles.
    • You can also ensure your training meets the employer’s needs by carrying out a training needs analysis.
    • Design marketing campaigns that effectively target employers and prospective students based on set criteria.
    • By adding the student module, ProEngage can be transformed into a student CRM system.
    • You can also manage your apprenticeship vacancies, and arrange work placements for students through the CRM.

Clear Review

Our market-leading performance management software

  • Conversations
    • Automated conversation functionality, offering agility with meaninful communication.
    • Employees can attend regular performance discussions, leading to significant improvements in their engagement.
    • Conversations can be started at the click of a button.
    • There are different types of conversation that can be started from well-being, to development and career, keeping conversations meaningful.
  • Agile Goals
    • Our easy-to-use goal functionality supports employee development and boosts business performance.
    • You can set these goals and collaborative objectives easily, and track and monitor progress from an accessible dashboard.
    • 72% of staff whose manager helps them to set their goals are fully engaged, and those figures rise by 2.5 times when their manager holds staff accountable.
  • Real-time Feedback
    • Easy and continuous feedback for employees at every level, encouraging them to thrive and succeed.
    • No waiting for arbitary dates or performance review for staff to get, or to give feedback.
    • Managers can see all feedback received and given to any member of staff easily, which can help to inform conversations with their staff.

Empower your educators with OneAdvanced

To learn more about how OneAdvanced can solve all of your software struggles, and how our suite of class-leading solutions can drive your business, simply fill out the form and one of our team will be in touch!