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Digital adoption In the housing sector: The right tools for the job

14/03/2024 minute read OneAdvanced PR

Tackling Inefficiencies

In the past few years, housing sector leaders have begun to integrate new technologies into their organisations at a rapid pace. With ongoing challenges surrounding maintenance and repairs and new government legislation, getting the right digital solutions in place has never been more important.

Of course, not all technology solutions are a good fit; the answer lies in finding the right balance between affordability and function. Senior leaders will need to carry out a careful audit of their current setup – which areas of the business would benefit most from reduced paperwork, better communications, and improved data handling?

For many housing providers, the management of maintenance and repairs is an area that needs to be urgently addressed. In fact, 34% of housing professionals responding to the OneAdvanced Annual Trends survey said they face challenges with their existing digital systems and processes when managing the deployment of maintenance and repairs staff.

In the above survey, 47% of respondents said they have a siloed approach to deploying staff, while 11% said they experience inefficiencies in the way residents are able to report problems. As such, senior leaders will need to look towards a single technological solution that can solve these problems in the most effective way possible.

Right People, Right Place

Field Service Management from OneAdvanced is a powerful toolkit that streamlines the management of maintenance and repairs. Offering intelligent scheduling capabilities, the software optimises the efficient deployment of staff, ensuring the right people and resources are allocated to the right jobs.

The software improves customer satisfaction with real time operative ETAs and map tracking. Two-way communication between the operative and customer means that time demands are met, and SLAs adhered to. This customer-centred approach is particularly valuable in an era of increasing complaints and stringent government compliance measures.

“We can now provide real-time updates on the progress of the operative and allow customers to manage their day in the same way as online shopping and delivery tracking.”

Sultan Darimaz, Operations Manager, Riverside Housing

With Field Service Management, all critical data is centralised, meaning information flows seamlessly between office-based staff and field operatives. From accessing customer data and service history to preparing invoices and follow-up visits, everything you need is accessible on a single, easy to use platform.

Up in the Cloud

Moving towards a cloud-based solution for data storage is another area that should be considered. There are many advantages to having your data stored in the cloud, including better protection against identity theft and cyberattacks, and the ability to access your data remotely.

Taking a cloud-based approach when choosing new software solutions means you are ‘future proofing’ your operations; new applications can be added when you need them, there are no new software versions to buy, and nothing needs to be downloaded to a PC or laptop.

The Azure Virtual Desktop is a good example of how cloud-based software can streamline the way you work. AVD delivers a cost-effective Windows experience to your desktop or device, giving you complete control over which applications are used. This avoids the cost of overprovision (the average desk worker uses just 11 applications to complete their tasks, according to a recent Gartner report).

Keeping it Continuous

Used by housing providers across the UK, Performance and Talent is a powerful Continuous Performance Management (CPM) tool designed to get the best from your employees. Replacing the outdated model of annual appraisal, the OneAdvanced CPM platform allows for constructive criticism to be shared on a regular basis.

“The software has been invaluable in terms of training delivery, and has allowed us to set objectives that can be referenced throughout the year.”

Karen Peploe, Head of HR and Training, Monmouthshire Housing Association

With Performance and Talent, it is easy to give praise for good work. This praise happens in real time, giving the employee an instant boost to morale. Feedback can be shared across the entire organisation – and by any employee – ensuring good work goes recognised.

The software comes with a dashboard offering a host of analytics and reporting tools. The dashboard is intuitive and straightforward, making it easy to use with minimal training. Objectives can be set either individually or collaboratively, keeping employees on-task and giving them clarity over their work.

Need to keep up with the government’s new procurement rules? Get all the information you need in our latest whitepaper, The UK Procurement Act: Navigating Change.